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Creating Controversy in Proxy Voting Advice

17 July 2024 10:00am11:15am
Presented by Prof Nadya Malenko, Boston College

26th Labour Econometrics Workshop

15 August 2024 9:00am16 August 2024 4:00pm
The 26th Labour Econometrics Workshop will be held on August 15 –16, 2024 and will be hosted by the School of Economics at The University of Queensland.
students around a table looking amused by red cubes

Economics Schools Day 2024

11 July 2024 10:00am
Join us for our Schools Day and explore what a career in economics could look like for you. Attend lecture-style presentations, network with other students from around Brisbane, and participate in interactive and thought-provoking activities.

College as a Signal of Self-Control: Theory and Evidence

10 July 2024 11:00am12:30pm
Presented by Prof Ed Hopkins, King’s College London

Sustainable Pricing in a Durable Goods Monopoly

9 July 2024 9:30am11:00am
Presented by A/Prof Takeki Sunakawa, Hitotsubashi University

Fairness Across the World

19 June 2024 5:00pm6:15pm
Presented by Prof Alexander Cappelen, Norwegian School of Economics

Estimating Price Elasticities with Text and Images

19 June 2024 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Jan Teichert-Kluge, University of Hamburg

Designing Open Source Licenses

12 June 2024 10:00am11:15am
Presented by Prof Kim-Sau Chung, Hong Kong Baptist University

Semiparametric Discrete Choice Models for Bundles

30 May 2024 11:00am12:00pm
Presented by Dr Fu Ouyang, The University of Queensland

Individual Welfare Analysis: Random Quasilinear Utility, Independence, and Confidence Bounds

22 May 2024 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Junlong Feng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Consumption, Wealth, and Income Inequality: A Tale of Tails

21 May 2024 11:00am12:15pm
Presented by Dr Nicolas Werquin, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Optimal Scaling Auctions: A Consumer Theory Deconstruction

16 May 2024 11:00am12:00pm
Presented by Dr Allan Hernandez-Chanto, The University of Queensland

Information and Pricing in Search Markets

15 May 2024 10:00am11:15am
Presented by A/Prof Silvana Krasteva, Texas A&M University

Optimal Allocation Strategies in a Discrete-Time Two-Armed Bandit Problem

10 May 2024 12:00pm1:15pm
Presented by A/Prof Audrey Hu, University of Hong Kong

Linear Transformations of Singular Vector Autoregressions

9 May 2024 11:00am12:00pm
Presented by A/Prof Eric Eisenstat, The University of Queensland

Fiat Exchange in the Laboratory

8 May 2024 10:00am11:15am
Presented by Prof Daniel Puzzello, Indiana University

Firm Sales and the Firm Life Cycle

7 May 2024 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Dr Bettina Brueggemann, McMaster University

The General Solution to an Autoregressive Law of Motion

3 May 2024 2:00pm4:00pm
Presented by Prof Brendan Beare, University of Sydney

Aid for Incumbents: The Electoral Consequences of COVID-19 Relief

2 May 2024 9:00am10:00am
Presented by Prof Jefferey Clemens, University of California, San Diego

The Core of Bayesian Persuasion

1 May 2024 11:00am12:15pm
Presented by A/Prof Laura Doval, Columbia Business School

Affirmative Action Policies in School Choice: Immediate versus Deferred Acceptance

30 April 2024 11:00am12:15pm
Presented by A/Prof Szilvia Papai, Concordia University

Gender Gaps in Time Use and Entrepreneurship

23 April 2024 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Dr Faisal Sohail, University of Melbourne

