Macroeconomics Seminar Series

A seminar series designed specifically for macroeconomists to connect and collaborate.

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Dr Satoshi Tanaka
+61 7 336 56609

Consumer Debt Moratoria

23 July 2024 11:00am12:15pm
Presented by Dr Yasin Kürşat Önder, Ghent University

Sustainable Pricing in a Durable Goods Monopoly

9 July 2024 9:30am11:00am
Presented by A/Prof Takeki Sunakawa, Hitotsubashi University

Consumption, Wealth, and Income Inequality: A Tale of Tails

21 May 2024 11:00am12:15pm
Presented by Dr Nicolas Werquin, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Firm Sales and the Firm Life Cycle

7 May 2024 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Dr Bettina Brueggemann, McMaster University

Gender Gaps in Time Use and Entrepreneurship

23 April 2024 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Dr Faisal Sohail, University of Melbourne


9 April 2024 9:30am10 April 2024 10:45am
Presented by A/Prof Kai Zhao, University of Connecticut

Firm Life-Cycle Learning and Misallocation

18 March 2024 11:30am12:45pm
Presented by Dr Ying Feng, National University of Singapore

Firm Life-Cycle Learning and Misallocation

20 February 2024 11:30am12:45pm
Presented by Dr Ying Feng, NUS

Taxation and Sources of Inequality

7 November 2023 9:30am10:45am
Presented by A/Prof Yena Park, Seoul National University

Labor Market Sorting and Social Security in Developing Countries

24 October 2023 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Dr Han Gao, University of New South Wales

Nursing Homes in Equilibrium: Implications for Long-term Care Policies

10 October 2023 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Prof Tatyana Koreshkova, Concordia University

The Macroeconomic Consequences of Exchange Rate Depreciations

26 September 2023 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Dr Masao Fukui, Boston University

Households’ Ability to Adjust Spending and Attention to the Central Bank

15 August 2023 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Prof Hibiki Ichiue, Keio University

Aggregate Uncertainty, HANK, and the ZLB

1 August 2023 9:30am10:45am
Presented by Dr Marcel Peruffo, The University of Sydney

The Long-Run Phillips Curve is ... a Curve

30 May 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Qazi Haque, The University of Adelaide

Accessing U.S. Dollar Swap Lines: Macroeconomic Implications for a Small Open Economy

16 May 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Professor Pedro Gomis-Poqueras, Queensland University of Technology

The Effect of Search Frictions on Extreme Outcomes (With Louis Becker)

2 May 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Associate Professor Sephorah Mangin, Australian National University.
Black digital screen display with a table populated with numbers

The Heterogeneous Effect of Minimum Wage on Labor Market Flows in Colombia

17 April 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Luz Adriana Flórez, Central Bank of Colombia.

Black digital screen display with a table populated with numbers

A Unified Model of Learning to Forecast

4 April 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Christopher Gibbs from The University of Sydney.
Black digital screen display with a table populated with numbers

Eggs and Baskets: Lifecycle Portfolio Dynamics

21 March 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Akshay Shanker from UNSW.

Inflation Literacy, Inflation Expectations, and Trust in the Central Bank: A Survey Experiment

7 March 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Giang Nghiem from Leibniz University Hannover.

Status Externalities in Education and Low Birth Rates in Korea

6 December 2022 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by A/Prof Minchul Yum, University of Mannheim

Taxation without Commitment in a Heterogenous-Agent Economy

22 November 2022 12:30pm
Presented by Dr Youngsoo Jang, The University of Queensland

Long Term Care Risk for Couples and Single

8 November 2022 12:30pm2:00pm
Presented by Dr Elena Capatina, Australian National University (joint work with Prof Gary Hansen and A/Prof Minchung Hsu).

Dividend Imputation, Investment and Capital Accumulation in Open Economies

13 September 2022 4:00pm5:30pm
Presented by A/Prof Chung Tran, Australian National University

A Fair Day’s Pay for a Fair Day’s Work: Optimal Tax Design as Redistributional Arbitrage

16 August 2022 9:30am
Presented by Nicolas Werquin, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Use It or Lose It: Efficiency Gains from Wealth Taxation

26 July 2022 3:00pm4:00pm
Presented by A/Prof Burhan Kuruscu, University of Toronto

Hidden Stagflation

26 July 2022 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by A/Prof Yuta Takahashi, Hitotsubashi University

Monopolies amplify demand shocks

20 June 2022 9:30am11:00am
Presented by Prof John Quiggin, University of Queensland

Macroeconomics Seminar

20 June 2022 9:30am11:00am
Presented by Professor John Quiggin.

Macroeconomics Seminar

6 June 2022 9:30am11:00am
Presented by Nicolas Werquin from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
close up of digital screen showing stock numbers

What's Driving the Decline in Entrepreneurship?

21 March 2022 9:30am11:00am
Nic Kozeniauskas will discuss reasons why there has been a steady decline in entrepreneurship in recent decades.
stock market values on digital screen

A Ramsey Theory of Financial Distortions

7 March 2022 9:30am10:30am
Presented by Marco Bassetto from the Federal Bank of Minneapolis
digital board of data


10 February 2021 9:30am11:00am
The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on business failures among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in seventeen countries using a large representative firm-level database. Presented by Nick Sander, Bank of Canada.

Time-varying Price Flexibility and Inflation Dynamics

16 September 2020 1:30pm
Presented by Emiliano Santoro, University of Copenhagen.
A joint work with Ivan Petrella and Lasse de la Porte Simonsen.

Equilibrium Imperfect Competition and Banking: Interest Pass Through and Optimal Policy

22 July 2020 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Timothy Kam (ANU). Joint work with Allen Head (Queen's University) and Ieng-Man Ng (ANU).

Nowcasting the Output Gap

29 April 2020 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by James Morley, University of Sydney

Rational Expectations Models with Higher Order Beliefs

9 March 2020 12:15pm
Presented by Naoki Takayama, Hitotsubashi University, Japan

Health Shocks and the Evolution of Earnings over the Life-Cycle

4 March 2020 1:30pm
Speaker: Elena Capatina, Australian National University

Price Dispersion, Competition and Revenue Productivity in the Retail Grocery Sector

6 November 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Wing Miriam Feng, National Taiwan Normal University

Demographic Origins of the Startup Deficit

23 October 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Dr Faith Karahan, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Anticipated House Purchases and Household Consumption

8 October 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Dr Isaac Gross, Monash University

Real Consequences of Open Market Operations: The Role of Limited Commitment

25 September 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Dr Francesco Carli, Deakin University

Firm Growth Through New Establishments

13 August 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Professor Toshihiko Mukoyama, University of Georgetown

Intergenerational Mobility in Australia: National and Regional estimates Using Administrative Data

7 August 2019 1:30pm2:30pm
Presented by Nathan Deutscher, Australian National University

Denomination structure, digital payments and the shadow economy

17 July 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Ayushi Bajaj, Monash University
Macroeconomics placeholder

Perceived Uncertainty Shocks, Excess Optimism-Pessimism, and Learning in the Business Cycle

5 June 2019 1:30pm2:30pm
Presented by Pratiti Chatterjee, University of New South Wales.

Efficiency of Expert-Mediated Job Matching

10 May 2019 3:30pm
Presented by Kohei Kawaguchi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Skill Biased Entrepreneurial Decline

8 May 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Fasail Sohail, University of Melbourne

Inequality, Redistribution and Optimal Trade Policy: A Public Finance Approach

17 April 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Roozbeh Hosseini, University of Georgia (joint with Ali Shourideh)

On the Limits of Monetary Policy

10 April 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Bruce Preston, University of Melbourne

Misallocation and intersectoral linkages

3 April 2019 1:30pm2:30pm
Presented by Sophie Osotimehin, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Stock market screen

Technological Change and the Wage Structure

20 March 2019 1:30pm2:30pm
Presented by Gonzalo Castex, University of New South Wales.
Financial screen

Delayed Adjustment and Persistence in Macroeconomic Models

27 February 2019 1:30pm2:30pm
Presented by Associate Professor Thijs van Rens, University of Warwick.
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Nicola Fuchs-Schundeln

14 November 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Nicola Fuchs-Schundeln | Nuremberg
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Corrado Di Guilmi

24 October 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Corrado Di Guilmi | UTS
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Zheng (Michael) Song

17 October 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Zheng (Michael) Song | Chinese University of Hong Kong
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Paul Lau

10 October 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Macroeconomics Seminar Series | Paul Lau
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Fatih Karahan

3 October 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Fatih Karahan | NY Fed
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: David Weiss

19 September 2018 11:00am12:00pm
David Weiss | Tel Aviv University
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Kun Li

5 September 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Kun Li | Australian National University
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Sarah Zubairy

16 March 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Sarah Zubairy | Texas A&M University
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: A New Theory of Demand-Restricted Growth

24 January 2018 12:30pm1:30pm
Thomas Gries | University of Paderborn, Germany

Optimal Fiscal Policy with Recursive Preferences

15 November 2017 11:00am12:00pm
Anastasios Karantounias | Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

A New Look at Uncertainty Shocks: Imperfect Information and Misallocation

8 November 2017 11:00am12:00pm
Tatsuro Senga | Queen Mary University, London

Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy

18 October 2017 11:00am12:00pm
Makoto Nakajima | Philadelphia Fed

Animal Spirits, Financial Markets and Aggregate Instability

4 October 2017 11:00am12:00pm
Mark Weder | The University of Adelaide

The Nature of Firm Growth

20 September 2017 11:00am12:00pm
Petr Sedlacek | University of Bonn

Revisiting tax on top income

6 September 2017 11:00am12:00pm
Cagri Kumru | Australian National University

Asymmetric Regions and the Optimal Degree of Fiscal Decentralization

23 August 2017 11:00am11:30am
Martin Besfamille | Institute of Economics, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

The Economics of Cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin and Beyond

26 July 2017 11:00am12:00pm
Jonathan Chiu | Victoria University of Wellington

Global Spillover Effects of US Uncertainty

31 May 2017 3:30pm4:30pm
Saroj Bhattarai | UT Austin
Woong Yong Park | Seoul National University

International Spillovers of Unconventional Monetary Policy

26 April 2017 3:30pm4:30pm
Mariano Kulish | University of New South Wales

Can High Discount Rates Increase Capital Accumulation

2 November 2016 3:30pm5:00pm
Xueli Tang | Deakin University

Capital account openness and unemployment

26 October 2016 3:30pm5:00pm
Qingyuan Du | Monash

Fiscal Consolidation in a Low Inflation environment: Pay Cuts versus Lost Jobs

21 September 2016 3:30pm5:00pm
Guilherme de Almeida Bandeira | European University Institute

Time-Varying Wage Risk, Incomplete Markets and Business Cycles

6 September 2016 3:30pm5:00pm
Shuhei Takahashi | Kyoto University

Math Matters: Education Choices and Wage Inequality (with Andrew Rendall)

9 August 2016 3:30pm5:00pm
Michelle Rendall | University of Zurich

Optimal Inflation to Reduce Inequality

27 July 2016 3:30pm5:00pm
Patrizio Tirelli | Universidita di Milano Bicocca

Fixed Costs, Work Schedules and the Elasticity of Labor Supply

17 May 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Evgenia Dechter | University of New South Wales

Equilibrium Unemployment with Incomplete Markets

3 May 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Lawrence Uren | University of Melbourne

The Week

5 April 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Maya Eden | World Bank

Fiscal Space under Demographic Shift

22 March 2016 1:00pm2:00pm
Chung Tran | ANU

Optimal monetary policy at the zero lower bound

17 November 2015 11:00am12:00pm
Aarti Singh | University of Sydney

Assets, money and credit with indivisible goods

3 November 2015 11:00am12:00pm
Benoit Julien | University of New South Wales

Technical change, variable elasticity of substitution and economic growth

9 June 2015 11:00am12:00pm
Sharmila Gamlath | Queensland University of Technology

Riskiness, endogenous productivity dispersion and business cycles

26 May 2015 11:00am12:00pm
Can Tian | Shanghai University of Finance

Private news and monetary policy

19 May 2015 11:00am12:00pm
Yuichiro Waki | The University of Queensland

Monetary policy inefficiencies in Vietnam: Evidence from a trilemma analysis

24 March 2015 11:00am12:00pm
Tuan Pham Anh | University of Queensland

Does home production drive structural transformation?

10 March 2015 11:00am12:00pm
Satoshi Tanaka | The University of Queensland

Progressive taxation and monetary policy in a currency union

24 February 2015 11:00am12:00pm
Philipp Engler | Free University of Berlin