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computer lab with many empty workstations.

Virtual Workshop on Research Collaboration and Machine Learning

12 July 2021 9:45am5:00pm
The workshop will demonstrate a solution using MATLAB and attendees follow along with engineer Bradley Horton from MATLAB (via Zoom) to explore the topics during the workshop. Attendees from the School of Economics can do exercises together in the computer lab of Building 39-203.
UQ Indigenous artwork representing the campus.

Improving economic participation to overcome Indigenous disadvantage

10 June 2021 4:00pm5:00pm
Join us virtually for the inaugural UQ Economics Thought Leadership event to hear experts in economic policy deliver their analysis and insights on how to improve wellbeing and overcome Indigenous disadvantage through economic participation.
Women leading and executive conference

UQ Women in BEL: Crafting your career at all levels

26 November 2019 12:00pm1:45pm
UQ staff and higher degree by research students are invited to register for an exciting career development and networking session, hosted by the UQ Women in Business, Economics and Law (BEL) Network.
Professor Alicia Rimbaldi

International comparison methods

31 October 2019 5:15pm7:30pm
Professor Alicia Rambaldi delivers the 2019 Colin Clark Memorial Lecture on how international comparison methods have evolved to adapt to our ever-changing global environment.

2019 CEPA workshop on performance measurement

28 October 2019 9:00am29 October 2019 5:00pm
Join us at this free workshop on performance measurement showcasing research conducted by economic academics and adjunct members of the CEPA group. Each presentation will discuss the latest developments in the field with emphasis on its applications to related disciplines and government policy.
UQ St Lucia Campus, Michie building

Open Day

4 August 2019 9:00am3:00pm
See uni life from every angle. Explore the different sides of university including the campus, the students and the social life. Find the answers to your unknowns and see how UQ will help you navigate an unpredictable future.
digital view of city buildings

2019 Rodney Wylie Lecture in Brisbane

1 August 2019 6:00pm8:00pm
Join us for the 2019 Rodney Wylie Eminent Visiting Fellowship Lecture followed by a networking reception. Internationally renowned speaker and global business leader, Dominic Barton, presents on 'Why businesses must change to thrive in the age of disruption'.
digital view of city buildings

2019 Rodney Wylie Lecture in Sydney

31 July 2019 6:00pm8:00pm
Join us for the 2019 Rodney Wylie Eminent Visiting Fellowship Lecture followed by a networking reception. Internationally renowned speaker and global business leader, Dominic Barton, presents on 'Why businesses must change to thrive in the age of disruption'.
digital view of city buildings

2019 Rodney Wylie Lecture in Melbourne

30 July 2019 6:00pm8:00pm
Join us for the 2019 Rodney Wylie Eminent Visiting Fellowship Lecture followed by a networking reception. Internationally renowned speaker and global business leader, Dominic Barton, presents on 'Why businesses must change to thrive in the age of disruption'.
coloured sprinkles confectionary

Reducing sugar consumption: a taxing problem

29 July 2019 1:00pm2:00pm
While the UK evidence suggests that a sugar tax is associated with reducing the purchases of sugar-sweetened beverages, there are a number of questions that remain. Presented by Richard Smith,Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor for the University of Exeter Medical School, and Professor of Health Economics
digital overlay of a man in front of server bank

Productivity and Efficiency Analysis Using R

4 May 2019 8:00am5 May 2019 5:00pm
This two-day intensive course presents a new and coherent framework for analysing the performance of firm managers. The focus is on measures of performance that are of practical relevance to policymakers.
Prasada Rao

Carnival in RAO: A workshop in Honour of Professor D.S. Prasada Rao

3 December 2018 9:00am5:00pm
A workshop in honour of Professor Prasada Rao.
