Speaker: Dr Sofie Waltl
Affiliation: Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Luxembourg Institute of Socioeconomic Research (LISER)
Location: Room 443 Michie Building (#9) or,
via Zoom link: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/82603079317


Participants to an online study in Luxembourg are presented fake real-estate advertisements and tasked to make an offer to the shown properties. A random subset is also shown sellers' names that are strongly framed to signal their origins. Our randomised procedure allows us to conclude that, keeping everything else constant, sellers with African-sounding surnames are systematically offered lower prices. Our most conservative estimates suggest that the average racial penalty stemming from the demand-side of the housing market is equal to 22,000 euros. Last, we show that this penalty hides important differences across respondents: it is null for the youngest and most educated ones, as well as for those without any personal ties to the African diaspora, but can amount up to around 65,000 euros for those above 40 years of age and without post-secondary education.

About the presenter's meeting 

If you would like to meet with Dr Waltl contact: Professor Alicia Rambaldi.


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Michie Building (#9) or Online via Zoom