A seminar series designed specifically for macroeconomists to connect and collaborate.

The Long-Run Phillips Curve is ... a Curve

30 May 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Qazi Haque, The University of Adelaide

Accessing U.S. Dollar Swap Lines: Macroeconomic Implications for a Small Open Economy

16 May 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Professor Pedro Gomis-Poqueras, Queensland University of Technology

The Effect of Search Frictions on Extreme Outcomes (With Louis Becker)

2 May 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Associate Professor Sephorah Mangin, Australian National University.
Black digital screen display with a table populated with numbers

The Heterogeneous Effect of Minimum Wage on Labor Market Flows in Colombia

17 April 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Luz Adriana Flórez, Central Bank of Colombia.

Black digital screen display with a table populated with numbers

A Unified Model of Learning to Forecast

4 April 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Christopher Gibbs from The University of Sydney.
Black digital screen display with a table populated with numbers

Eggs and Baskets: Lifecycle Portfolio Dynamics

21 March 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Akshay Shanker from UNSW.

Inflation Literacy, Inflation Expectations, and Trust in the Central Bank: A Survey Experiment

7 March 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Giang Nghiem from Leibniz University Hannover.