Macroeconomics Research Group
About UQ's Macroeconomic Research Group
The mission of the Macroeconomics Research Group (MRG@UQ) is to contribute towards the understanding of the causes and consequences of fluctuations in economy-wide variables such as inflation, national income, the flow of funds, exchange rates, interest rates and unemployment, as well as their long-run trends. The nature of the group's research encompasses theoretical and empirical approaches and aims to highlight implications of economy-wide behaviour for public policy, particularly budgetary, monetary, wages and regulation policies.
The group intends to organise its research on important theoretical and policy-related topics, seek funding for its projects and arrange for the publication of its research in top national and international publications. In addition, the group organise seminars for research in progress, including presentations by policy practitioners, and offer consulting services to the public and private sectors.
The group welcomes any enquiry about consultancy work, contract or collaborative research. For more information about how we can collaborate, please contact the group.