Econometrics Colloquium Seminar Series

A seminar series designed specifically for econometricians to network and collaborate.

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Dr Fu Ouyang
+61 7 334 67051

Estimating Price Elasticities with Text and Images

19 June 2024 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Jan Teichert-Kluge, University of Hamburg

Individual Welfare Analysis: Random Quasilinear Utility, Independence, and Confidence Bounds

22 May 2024 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Junlong Feng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The General Solution to an Autoregressive Law of Motion

3 May 2024 2:00pm4:00pm
Presented by Prof Brendan Beare, University of Sydney

Robust Bayesian Method for Refutable Models

10 April 2024 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Moyu Liao, University of Sydney

Instrument-based Estimation of Full Treatment Effects with Partial Compliers

27 March 2024 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Didier Nibbering, Monash University

What Impulse Response Do Instrumental Variables Identify?

13 March 2024 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by A/Prof Seojeong Lee, Seoul National University

Nonparametric Estimation of Large-Dimensional Binary Choice Models

18 October 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Guo Yan, University of Melbourne

Identification and Forecasting of Bull and Bear Markets using Multivariate Returns

4 October 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Yong Song, The University of Melbourne

Bounding High Dimensional Comparative Statics

26 July 2023 10:00am11:30am
Presented by Dr Jordan Norris, NYU Abu Dhabi

Identification and Estimation in a Time-Varying Endogenous Random Coefficient Model

17 May 2023 10:00am11:30am
Presented by Dr Ming Li, National University of Singapore.

Identifying Structural Shocks to Volatility through a Proxy-MGARCH Model

19 April 2023 10:00am11:30am
Presented by Professor Dr Matthias Fengler, University of St Gallen.

The Estimation of Diffusion Processes with Private Network Information

8 March 2023 10:00am11:30am
Presented by Yiran Xie from The University of Sydney.

Identification and estimation of dynamic random coefficient models

17 November 2022 10:00am11:30am
Presented by: Dr Wooyoung Lee, University of Technology Sydney

Distribution Vector Autoregression: Eliciting Macro and Financial Dependence

10 November 2022 10:00am11:30am
Presented by Associate Professor Dan Zhu, Monash University.
close up of jacarandas in front of sandstone building in UQ's Great Court.

Sparse M-estimators in semi-parametric copula models

19 October 2022 11:30am12:30pm
Presented by Dr Benjamin Poignard, Osaka University

Relevant moment selection under mixed identification strength

6 October 2022 10:00am11:30am
Presented by Professor Firmin Doko Tchatoka, University of Adelaide

Is dimensionality reduction a curse? Bayesian analysis of the mean-volatility dynamic factor model

2 June 2022 10:00am11:30am
Presented by Dr Mengheng Li from University of Technology Sydney

Measuring the Output Gap Using Large Datasets

12 March 2020 1:30pm
Presented by Matteo Luciani, Federal Reserve Board Washington

Bayesian Estimation of Individual Heterogeneity in Psychological Research Data

5 December 2019 2:00pm
Presented by Assistant Professor Nalan Bastürk, Maastricht University (joint work with Suzanne van Bronswijk, Lotte Lemmens, Marcus Huibers and Frenk Peeters).

Impact of capacity on access to invasive coronary angiography by patients of different socio-economic status

27 November 2019 2:00pm
Presented by Associate Professor Jongsay Yong, The University of Melbourne

Inference in Moment Inequality Models with Combined Data Sources

14 November 2019 11:00am
Presented by Dr Yi Sun, The University of Sydney

New Indexes for Measuring Resource Use Efficiency

13 November 2019 2:00pm
Presented by Associate Professor Tiho Ancev, The University of Sydney

Prevention or cure? Abatement efficiency in a network technology

7 November 2019 2:00pm
Presented by Professor Rolf Fare and Professor Shawna Grosskopf, Oregon State University

Nonparametric production analysis with unobserved heterogeneity in productivity

23 September 2019 11:00am
Presented by Dr Bram De Rock, University Libre de Brxelles and University of Leuven

Impact and Detection of Straightlining Response in Online Surveys

31 July 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Peter Moffatt, University of East Anglia.

A revisit to LASSO variable selection in data envelopment analysis

25 June 2019 2:15pm
Presented by Ya Chen, Hefei Univ of Technology, China. Based on joint work in progress by Ya Chen and Valentin Zelenyuk
Econometrics colloquium series

Network Formation with Unobserved Homophily: Identification and Evidence from Bangladesh

6 June 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
We consider a network formation model that features degree heterogeneity and homophily in both observed and unobserved node characteristics.
UQ campus

Cost and Efficiency in Government Outsourcing: Evidence from the Dredging Industry

28 March 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Aaron Barkley, University of Melbourne.
UQ building and jacaranda

Escalation of Scrutiny: The Gains from Dynamic Enforcement of Environmental Regulations

19 March 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Professor Gautam Gowrisankaran, University of Arizona.
Econometics colloquium

Quasi-Maximum Likelihood and The Kernel Block Bootstrap for Nonlinear Dynamic Models

7 March 2019 12:00pm
Presented by Professor Richard J. Smith, Cambridge University.
Econometrics colloquium

Econometrics Colloquium Seminar Series: Gianni Amisano

15 November 2018 12:00pm1:00pm
Gianni Amisano | Federal Reserve Board
Econometrics Colloquium Seminar

Scale-Dependent Priors for Variance Parameters in Structured Additive Distributional Regression

14 September 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Nadja Klein | Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne
Econometrics Colloquium Seminar

Recent Advances in Sparse Bayesian Factor Analysis

29 June 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter | Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Econometrics Colloquium Seminar

Econometrics Colloquium Seminar: Uncertain Identification

30 March 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Toru Kitagawa | University College London
Econometrics Colloquium Seminar

Bayesian Rank Selection in Multivariate Regression

25 August 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Anastasios Panagiotelis | Monash University