Title: Mixed strategies and preference for randomization in games with ambiguity averse agents.

Presenter: Evan Calford - Australian National University

Time: 10-11:15am

About the presenter

Evan CalfordEvan Calford is a Senior Lecturer in Economics, and a John Mitchell Fellow.  A member of the John Mitchell Poverty Lab, Evan researches in the fields of experimental economics, behavioural economics and game theory. In particular, he is interested in applications of ambiguity aversion and other behavioural models of uncertainty to game theory. Evan’s work improves our understanding of the relationship between continuous-time models and behaviour in a discrete world, explores the relationship between uncertainty about chance events and uncertainty about human behaviour, and provides improved techniques for measuring human preferences. Evan’s research has been published in a number of top-ranked academic journals including EconometricaExperimental Economics, and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Research areas

Behavioural economics; Experimental economics; Game theory; Strategic uncertainty.


About Centre for Unified Behavioural and Economic Sciences (CUBES) e-seminars

An online seminar series on Experimental and Behavioural Economics organized by the Centre for Unified Behavioural and Economic Sciences (CUBES) of the School of Economics at The University of Queensland.

Our seminars take place fortnightly via Zoom on Wednesdays at 10 am or 5 pm (AEST), depending on whether the guest speaker is streaming from US/Australia or Europe respectively.

Seminars consist of a 60-minute presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.

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