Economics excellence and impact amps up

2 Apr 2019

The University of Queensland School of Economics has once again proven its place as one of Australia’s leading research-intensive schools, national research quality data confirms.

The Excellence in Research for Australia 2018 assessment, released on 27 March, has rated UQ’s economics disciplines as above and well above world standard.

Head of School and Academic Dean Professor Daniel Zizzo highlighted the school’s rise in the econometrics field.

“The school was previously ranked as above world standard in this discipline, but in this round of assessment was ranked as well above world standard,” he said.

“This a reflection on our hard-working and dedicated econometrics academics, who are working on a number of significant projects.”

The School of Economics disciplines were rated as:

Well above world standard (5) for:

  • Econometrics (new in 2018; previously 4 in 2015)
  • Economic Theory

Above world standard (4) for:

  • Applied Economics

In addition, the School of Economics has been rated as ‘High’ for Impact in the Engagement and Impact Exercise 2018 assessment, released on 28 March.

 “This means that our School has been recognised as being among the economics departments that make the most practical difference for the real world,” Professor Zizzo said.

“We combine academic excellence with leading change that matters.”

Business, Economics and Law (BEL) Faculty Associate Dean (Research) Professor Brent Ritchie congratulated and thanked all staff for their contributions to building UQ’s global reputation for excellent and innovative research.

“These impressive results demonstrate our sustained and shared focus on conducting collaborative and quality research that creates positive change for industry, government and communities around the world,” Professor Ritchie said.

“I’d especially like to congratulate our colleagues in the School of Economics for their pioneering econometrics research, which is now ranked as well above world standard.

“I hope all BEL staff feel proud of the role they have played in ensuring our research is consistently ranked above and well above world standard, and all BEL students are confident that they are learning from true leaders in their fields.”

ERA, Australia’s national evaluation of research quality, is conducted by the Australian Research Council, and UQ’s full ERA 2018 results.

Read UQ’s full statement.

Learn more about UQ's Research impact.

Media:; +61 7 3346 0700.
