Australia Award Scholarships

13 Apr 2017
 Arnold Patiken, Aminath Sunooha Ali and Sajida Ahmed
Some of the Australia Award scholarship holders from left to right: Arnold Patiken, Aminath Sunooha Ali and Sajida Ahmed

Recently the School of Economics held our annual scholarship holders morning tea. It’s always a great event where many of our scholarship holders can meet each other and it’s particularly good to welcome our new scholarship holders into the School.

This year we also invited the Australia Award Scholarship holders who are studying various economic programs. Arnold Patiken from PNG (Masters of Economics), Aminath Sunooha Ali from the Maldives (Masters of Economics) and Sajida Ahmed from the Maldives (Masters of Economics & Public Policy) were all Australia Award Scholarship holders who attended the morning tea.

Australia Award Scholarships are available to students from a range of developing countries, particularly those countries in the Indo-Pacific region. They aim to contribute to the long-term development needs of Australia’s partner countries.

Arnold Patiken said, “It is a privilege to gain a postgraduate degree from The University of Queensland, one of the top Australian universities. With a degree from UQ and a great financial support from the Australian Awards Scholarship, the two years of study will equip me well with professional knowledge in the field of economics theory and application that can be used back home in PNG, to promote private sector led economic growth and development”

The Australia Awards are administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Aminath Sunooha Ali commented “I hope to use the analytical skills and experience that I would gain from this program to pursue a successful career in the field of economics. I also aspire to contribute towards the economic policy formulation of my country (Maldives) in the future. I am truly grateful for the Australia Award Scholarship and for UQ for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

The Awards are offered for the minimum period necessary for an individual to complete their academic program including full tuition fees.

Sajida Ahmed said, “The Australia Award Scholarship is the key to me being able to contribute to the development of my country (The Maldives). Economics is not taught in my country and this is a chance I wouldn't have had otherwise.”

Awardees are required to leave Australia for a minimum of two years after completing their scholarship.

Check here for details on the application closing dates as they vary by country.
