The School of Economics run a regular seminar program to enable our academic staff and higher degree by research students to keep abreast of the latest research topics and interact with international, national and internal experts in the field. There are six types of seminar series with its own academic coordinator: Applied Economics, Econometrics Colloquium, Economic Theory, Macroeconomics, Centre for Unified Behavioural and Economic Sciences (CUBES) and Brown Bag.

2024 Seminar Coordinators

presenter in front of group

Optimal Healthcare Contracts: Empirical Evidence from Italy

5 April 2019 3:30pm
Presented by Gianni de Fraja, Nottingham University.

A Kinky Consistency: Experimental Evidence of Behavior Under Linear and Non-Linear Budget Sets

4 April 2019 12:00pm
Presented by Dr Emiliano Huet-Vaughn, University of California LA, with Juan Carlos Suarez Serrato.

Misallocation and intersectoral linkages

3 April 2019 1:30pm2:30pm
Presented by Sophie Osotimehin, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Speaker at podium

Competitive Personalized Pricing

2 April 2019 2:00pm
Presented by Chongwoo Choe, Monash University.
UQ campus

Cost and Efficiency in Government Outsourcing: Evidence from the Dredging Industry

28 March 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Aaron Barkley, University of Melbourne.
People at lecture

Second-Best Mechanisms for Land Assembly and Hold-Out Problems

26 March 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Associate Professor Duygu Yengin, The University of Adelaide.
Stock market screen

Technological Change and the Wage Structure

20 March 2019 1:30pm2:30pm
Presented by Gonzalo Castex, University of New South Wales.
UQ building and jacaranda

Escalation of Scrutiny: The Gains from Dynamic Enforcement of Environmental Regulations

19 March 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Professor Gautam Gowrisankaran, University of Arizona.
People at lecture

Theft and Ostracism in Heterogenous Groups: A Laboratory Experiment

19 March 2019 11:00am12:00pm
Presented by Tarek Taher Jaber-Lopez, University of Innsbruck.
Economics screen

Are Efficient Bargaining Power Disparities Unfair? An Experimental Test

14 March 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Aaron Nicholas, Deakin University.
School Seminar series

How Costly Are Markups?

8 March 2019 2:30pm4:30pm
Presented by Professor Chris Edmond, University of Melbourne.
Econometics colloquium

Quasi-Maximum Likelihood and The Kernel Block Bootstrap for Nonlinear Dynamic Models

7 March 2019 12:00pm
Presented by Professor Richard J. Smith, Cambridge University.
People in lecture

Political Capital

1 March 2019 3:30pm4:30pm
Presented by Associate Professor Gabriele Gratton, University of New South Wales.
Financial screen

Delayed Adjustment and Persistence in Macroeconomic Models

27 February 2019 1:30pm2:30pm
Presented by Associate Professor Thijs van Rens, University of Warwick.
Econometrics colloquium

Econometrics Colloquium Seminar Series: Gianni Amisano

15 November 2018 12:00pm1:00pm
Gianni Amisano | Federal Reserve Board
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Nicola Fuchs-Schundeln

14 November 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Nicola Fuchs-Schundeln | Nuremberg
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Corrado Di Guilmi

24 October 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Corrado Di Guilmi | UTS
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Zheng (Michael) Song

17 October 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Zheng (Michael) Song | Chinese University of Hong Kong
Applied economics

Applied Economics Seminar Series: Christopher Jepsen

11 October 2018 12:00pm1:15pm
Christopher Jepsen | University College Dublin
Macroeconomics Seminar Series

Macroeconomics Seminar Series: Paul Lau

10 October 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Macroeconomics Seminar Series | Paul Lau


Seminars 2024

AugustFriday 17thEconometricsDr Dakyung Seong (University of Sydney)
 Friday 9thEconomic TheoryA/Prof Selcuk Ozyurt (York University)
 Thursday 8thBrown BagA/Prof Antonio Rosato (The University of Queensland)
 Tuesday 6thMacroeconomicsProf Martin Berka (Griffith University)
 Thursday 1stApplied EconomicsProf Tommasso Valletti (Imperial College London)
JulyWednesday 31stCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesA/Prof Shengwu Li (Harvard University)
 Wednesday 31stEconometricsDr Hanbat Jeong (Macquarie University)
 Wednesday 24thEconomic TheoryProf Andey Malenko (Boston College)
 Tuesday 23rdMacroeconomicsDr Yasin Kürşat Önder (Ghent University)
 Wednesday 17thCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Nadya Malenko (Boston College)
 Tuesday 16thEconomic TheoryTatiana Kornienko (King's College London)
 Wednesday 10thEconomic TheoryProf Ed Hopkins (King's College London)
 Tuesday 9thMacroeconomicsA/Prof Takeki Sunakawa (Hitotsubashi University)
JuneWednesday 19thEconometricsJan Teichert-Kluge (University of Hamburg)
 Wednesday 19thCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Alexander Cappelen (Norwegian School of Economics)
 Wednesday 12thEconomic TheoryProf Kim-Sau Chung (Hong Kong Baptist University)
MayThursday 30thBrown BagDr Fu Ouyang (The University of Queensland)
 Wednesday 22ndCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Ragan Petrie (Texas A&M University)
 Wednesday 22ndEconometricsDr Junlong Feng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
 Tuesday 21st MacroeconomicsDr Nicolas Werquin (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
 Friday 17thApplied EconomicsProf Yuting Zhang (University of Melbourne)
 Thursday 16thBrown BagDr Metin Uyanik (The University of Queensland)
 Wednesday 15thEconomic TheoryA/Prof Silvana Krasteva (Texas A&M University)
 Friday 10thEconomic TheoryA/Prof Audrey Hu (University of Hong Kong)
 Thursday 9thBrown BagA/Prof Eric Eisenstat (The University of Queensland)
 Wednesday 8th EconometricsProf Ryo Okui (University of Tokyo)
 Wednesday 8thCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Daniela Puzzello (Indiana University)
 Tuesday 7thMacroeconomicsDr Bettina Brueggemann (McMaster University)
 Friday 3rdEconometricsProf Brendan Beare (University of Sydney)
 Thursday 2ndApplied EconomicsProf Jefferey Clemens (University of California)
 Wednesday 1stEconomic TheoryA/Prof Laura Doval (Columbia Business School)
AprilTuesday 30thEconomic Theory A/Prof Szilvia Palai (Concordia University)
 Friday 26thApplied EconomicsDr Brian Varian (Newcastle University)
 Wednesday 24thCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Mira Frick (Yale University)
 Tuesday 23rdMacroeconomicsDr Faisal Sohail (University of Melbourne)
 Friday 19thApplied EconomicsA/Prof Jason Kerwin (University of Minnesota)
 Thursday 18thBrown BagA/Prof Julie Moschion (The University of Queensland)
 Wednesday 17thEconomic Theory Prof Navin Kartik (Columbia University)
 Thursday 11thApplied EconomicsProf Hitoshi Shigeoka (University of Tokyo)
 Wednesday 10thCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Roberto Weber (University of Zurich)
 Wednesday 10thEconometricsDr Moyu Liao (University of Sydney)
 Tuesday 9thMacroeconomicsA/Prof Kai Zhao (University of Connecticut)
MarchThursday 28thApplied EconomicsProf Sangyoon Park (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
 Wednesday 27thEconometricsDr Didier Nibbering (Monash University)
 Wednesday 27thCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Emanuel Vespa (UC San Diego)
 Thursday 21stBrown BagDr Yaying Zhou (The University of Queensland)
 Wednesday 20thEconomic TheoryDr Anton Tsoy (University of Toronto)
 Monday 18thMacroeconomicsDr Ying Feng (National University of Singapore)
 Thursday 14th Applied EconomicsProf Emilio Depetris-Chauvin (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
 Wednesday 13thCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Aldo Rustichini (University of Minnesota)
 Wednesday 13thEconometricsA/Prof Seojeong Lee (Seoul National University)
 Thursday 7thBrown BagDr Kun Zhang (The University of Queensland)
 Wednesday 6thEconomic TheoryDr Mark Whitmeyer (Arizona State University)
 Tuesday 5thMacroeconomicsProf Kozo Ueda (Waseda University)
 Friday 1stEconometricsProf Shuping Shi (Macquarie University)
FebruaryThursday 29thApplied EconomicsDr Sarah Bana (Chapman University)
 Wednesday 28thCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Ben Bushong (Michigan State University)
 Friday 23rdCentre for Unified Behavioural and Economic SciencesProf Simon Weidenholzer (University of Essex)
 Thursday 22ndBrown BagDr Manuel Staab (The University of Queensland)