Major areas of research
Modelling, growth and policy
- Evaluation of macroeconomic policy formulation
- Business cycle dating
- Macroeconomic forecasting
- Modelling of the domestic and international business cycle
- Dynamic relationships between growth, income distribution and immigration
- Health capital, schooling capital, demography and growth
- Brain drain, brain gain, schooling exports and growth
International macroeconomics
- Monetary and fiscal policy in the open economy
- Exchange rate determination
- Saving, investment and external account behaviour
- Australia and the world business cycle
Monetary economics
- Monetary transmission mechanism
- Monetary policy
- Inflation and interest rates
Macro-labour economics
- Measuring the natural rate/NAIRU
- Hysteresis in the unemployment rate
- Employment and unemployment adjustment over the cycle
- Search, matching and the natural rate
Dr Satoshi Tanaka
Senior Lecturer
The School of Economics
Level 6, Colin Clark Building (#39)
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD, 4067
Phone: +61 7 336 56570