Emeritus Professor Andrew McLennan
Emeritus Professor
+61 7 336 56784
Room 618, Level 6, Colin Clark Building (#39)

Featured projects | Duration |
'Fixed-points': extending and deepening our understanding of mathematical and computational aspects of game theory | 2007–2011 |
McLennan, Andrew (2018). Advanced fixed point theory for economics. Singapore: Springer Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-0710-2
Journal Articles
McLennan, Andrew (2022). A geometric Vietoris-Begle theorem, with an application to convex subsets of topological vector lattices. Topology and its Applications, 312 108086, 108086. doi: 10.1016/j.topol.2022.108086
McLennan, Andrew (2021). The generalized Morse-Sard theorem. Expositiones Mathematicae, 39 (4), 515-539. doi: 10.1016/j.exmath.2021.01.002
Smerdon, David, Hu, Hairong, McLennan, Andrew, von Hippel, William and Albrecht, Sabina (2020). Female chess players show typical stereotype-threat effects: commentary on Stafford (2018). Psychological Science, 31 (6), 756-759. doi: 10.1177/0956797620924051
Mclennan, Andrew and Park, In-Uck (2016). The market for liars: reputation and auditor honesty. International Journal of Economic Theory, 12 (1), 49-66. doi: 10.1111/ijet.12080
McLennan, A., Monteiro, P. K. and Tourky, R. (2016). On uniqueness of equilibrium in the Kyle model. Mathematics and Financial Economics, 11 (2), 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s11579-016-0175-7
Levy, Yehunda John and McLennan, Andrew (2015). Corrigendum to “Discounted Stochastic Games With No Stationary Nash Equilibrium: Two Examples”. Econometrica, 83 (3), 1237-1252. doi: 10.3982/ECTA12183
McLennan, Andrew (2014). Fixed points of parameterized perturbations. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 55 (1), 186-189. doi: 10.1016/j.jmateco.2014.07.001
Eraslan, Hulya and McLennan, Andrew (2013). Uniqueness of stationary equilibrium payoffs in coalitional bargaining. Journal of Economic Theory, 148 (6), 2195-2222. doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2013.09.007
Carbajal, Juan Carlos, McLennan, Andrew and Tourky, Rabee (2013). Truthful implementation and preference aggregation in restricted domains. Journal of Economic Theory, 148 (3), 1074-1101. doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2012.11.001
Mclennan, Andrew, Monteiro, Paulo K. and Tourky, Rabee (2011). Games with discontinuous payoffs: A strengthening of Reny's existence theorem. Econometrica, 79 (5), 1643-1664. doi: 10.3982/ECTA8949
McLennan, Andrew (2011). Manipulation in elections with uncertain preferences. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47 (3), 370-375. doi: 10.1016/j.jmateco.2010.12.012
McLennan, Andrew and Tourky, Rabee (2010). Imitation games and computation. Games and Economic Behavior, 70 (1), 4-11. doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2009.08.003
McLennan, Andrew and Tourky, Rabee (2010). Simple complexity from imitation games. Games and Economic Behavior, 68 (2), 683-688. doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2009.10.003
McLennan, Andrew and Tourky, Rabee (2008). Games in oriented matroids. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44 (7-8), 807-821. doi: 10.1016/j.jmateco.2007.07.003
McLennan, A. and Tourky, R. (2008). Using volume to prove Sperner's Lemma. Economic Theory, 35 (3), 593-597. doi: 10.1007/s00199-007-0257-0
McLennan, Andrew and Berg, Johannes (2005). Asymptotic expected number of Nash equilibria of two-player normal form games. Games and Economic Behavior, 51 (2), 264-295. doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2004.10.008
Azhar, S, McLennan, A and Reif, JH (2005). Computation of equilibria in noncooperative games. Computers & Mathematics With Applications, 50 (5-6), 823-854. doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2005.02.015
McLennan, A. (2005). The Erdos-Sos Conjecture for trees of diameter four. Journal of Graph Theory, 49 (4), 291-301. doi: 10.1002/jgt.20083
McLennan, Andrew (2005). The expected number of Nash equilibria of a normal form game. Econometrica, 73 (1), 141-174. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0262.2005.00567.x
Eraslan, H. and McLennan, A. (2004). Strategic candidacy for multivalued voting procedures. Journal of Economic Theory, 117 (1), 29-54. doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2003.09.005
McLennan, A (2002). Ordinal efficiency and the polyhedral separating hyperplane theorem. Journal of Economic Theory, 105 (2), 435-449. doi: 10.1006/jeth.2001.2864
McLennan, A (2002). Economics and language: Five essays.. Journal of Economic Literature, 40 (2), 522-524.
McLennan, A (2002). Strategic foundations of general equilibrium: Dynamic matching and bargaining games.. Journal of Economic Literature, 40 (1), 163-165.
McLennan, A (2002). The expected number of real roots of a multihomogeneous system of polynomial equations. American Journal of Mathematics, 124 (1), 49-73. doi: 10.1353/ajm.2002.0005
Reference Entry
McLennan, Andrew (2008). Fixed point theorems.
Working Papers
Mclennan, Andrew (2014). Fixed Points of Parameterized Perturbations. Discussion Papers, Department of Economics, University of Queensland. 526. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Mclennan, Andrew and Levy, Yehuda John (2014). Corrigendum to: Discounted Stochastic Games with No Stationary Nash Equilibrium: Two Examples. School of Economics Discussion Paper. 527. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
McLennan, Andrew, Carbajal, Juan Carlos and Tourky, Rabee (2012). Truthful Implementation and Preference Aggregation in Restricted Domains. School of Economics Discussion Paper. 459. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
McLennan, Andrew (2008). Manipulation in Elections with Uncertain Preferences. Discussion Paper Series. Discussion Paper No. 360. School of Economics, The University of Queensland.
McLennan, Andrew and Tourky, Rabee (2008). Imitation Games and Computation. Discussion Paper Series. Discussion Paper No. 359. School of Economics, The University of Queensland.