About the event

Sabrina Eisenbarth
Sabrina Eisenbarth

This series is a joint initiative by The University of Queensland & The University of Exeter.

Research will be presented by The University of Exeter's Sabrina Eisenbarth, with a critical review by discussant John Quiggin of UQ's School of Economics. The seminar closes with general Q&A.

This seminar is chaired by Professor Julian Jamison.

Time and date: Wednesday 8th July
5 – 6.15 pm (AETS)
8 – 9.15 am (GMT)

Join via Zoom: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/97124925494


This study uses a Randomized Controlled Trial to investigate whether deforestation and forest degradation in community-managed forests can be reduced through systematic forest monitoring by community members. The paper combines causal insights with exceptionally detailed data on forest governance, forest use and forest stocks to improve our understanding of successful approaches to the management of communal renewable resources.

About QUEX Seminar Series

A partnership between the University of Queensland and the University of Exeter, this high-level collaboration is a joint commitment to co-produce research of the highest quality, boost industry and business collaboration, and publish high-level policy reports designed to inform and shape key government initiatives across the globe. 

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