About the course

The three day intensive course will take the form of lectures and tutorial computer lab sessions. Day one will be lectured by Associate Professor Zelenyuk, and dedicated to an introduction to the subject and is especially useful to those who have no or little background in the area. During this first day, participants are expected to develop a general understanding of the main concepts used in the research area of productivity and efficiency analysis via DEA and be introduced to relevant software for some practical implementations. Day one will also be a stepping-stone to the following two days of the course, lectured by Professor Fukuyama, where these concepts will be covered in more detail to give students a better understanding for better use in both empirical and theoretical research. Day two will cover the introduction to Network DEA and day three will look at advanced application of Network DEA.


About the presenters

Professor Hirofumi Fukuyama, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Commerce, Fukuoka University



Associate Professor Valentin Zelenyuk, School of Economics, University of Queensland




Who should attend?

The course is aimed at graduate students, researchers, economists, statisticians and consultants from private and public sector organisations, regulatory authorities, rugulated firms, infrastructure industries (e.g. education, health), and industries with branch structures (e.g. banks, credit unions, franchises, retail chains). Participants are expected to have an understanding of microeconomics and econometrics similar to that of an economics undergraduate (bachelor) degree of a recognised Australian, UK, European or US university.

Register Now


About CEPA courses and workshops

CEPA short-courses and workshops are aimed at graduate students, researchers, economists, statisticians and consultants from private and public sector organisations. Participants are generally expected to have an understanding of microeconomics and econometrics similar to that of a second or third-year economics undergraduate at an Australian university.


Registration fees*
Standard delegate per day: $400
Full-time student per day: $200

UQ staff member per day: $200^
UQ full-time student per day: $100^

*Third day is free, when registered for two days
^Email event contact to process fee

Early bird deadline: 7 September 2018


Sir Llew Edwards building (#14)

Other upcoming sessions