Yoni Nazarathy | University of Queensland
Many applied mathematicians develop software from time to time. For some it is a core research output, for others it provides an aid for mathematical discovery. To date, I have mostly been associated with the latter camp. In certain cases, my software development has helped gain research insight of scheduling problems, stochastic queueing model analysis and optimal decisions. I will outline such examples in the talk. For each problem, I will try to illustrate both the research problem and the associated software design. It is fair to mention that my recent (revived) interest in software is associated with an after-hours activity that I have been carrying out in private capacity: Developing a simple educational gaming App for iPhone iOS. Time permitting, I’ll discuss software considerations associated with the App as well as the development experience of such a consumer commodity.
About Economic Theory Seminar Series
A seminar series designed specifically for economic theory researchers to network and collaborate.