RHD Awards
PhD Awarded 2015
Alexandra Bratanova, PhD
Development of tools for economic analysis for public sector programs in Russia: a case study of the energy efficiency program in Moscow
Advisors: Jacqueline Robinson, Liam Wagner
Yohannis Mulu Tessema, PhD
Options for Managing Current Climate Variability and Market Risks for Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopia
Advisors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Daniel Rodriguez, Thilak Mallawaarachchi
PhD Awarded 2014
Farhana Chowdhury, PhD
Economic and legal implications of infrastructure investment: A general equilibrium approach
Advisors: John Mangan, Juan Carlos Carbajal Ponce, Brian Parmenter
Soo-Keong Yong, PhD
Environmental economic policy and incentives for green innovation
Advisors: Stuart McDonald, Lana Friesen
Shabbir Ahmad, PhD
Econometric Estimation of the Components of Total Factor Productivity Change
Advisors: Christopher O'Donnell, Knox Lovell
Debayan Pakrashi, PhD
Rural urban migration in China and Indonesia
Advisors: Paul Frijters, Andrew McLennan
Craig Malam, PhD
Competition policy for ad-sponsored media
Advisors: Flavio Menezes, Jeffrey Kline
Sharon Chang, PhD
The economic value and impact of cultural events: a case study of the Singapore arts festival
Advisors: Renuka Mahadevan, John Asafu-Adjaye, Leonard Coote
Roger Carrington, PhD
The application of incentive regulation to Australian government funded services
Advisors: Dodla Rao, John O'Donnell
Hemanath Swarna Nantha, PhD
The Economics of conserving the orangutan: opportunity cost as a contraint and strategies for minimizing this
Advisors: Clement Tisdell, Paul Riethmuller, Jacqueline Robinson
Thanh Nguyen, PhD
Estimating the benefits of an improved tropical cyclone warning service in Vietnam: An application of a choice experiment
Advisors: Jacqueline Robinson, Milani Chaloupka
Jacopo Canello, PhD
Evolutionary change and resilience in Marshallian industrial districts - an empirical investigation using Italian micro-data
Advisors: John Foster, Jason Potts, Prasada Rao
Thang Bach, PhD
Essays on trade, technology diffusion and growth
Advisors: Thanh Quang Le, Renuka Mahadevan, Juyoung Cheong
PhD Awarded 2013
Christopher Fleming, PhD
Rationing access to protected natural areas: An economic analysis based on a study of visitors to a world heritage site in Australia
Advisors: Clement Tisdell, Averil Cook
Chandana Maitra, PhD
Urban Food Security: A Case Study of Kolkata
Advisors: Renuka Mahadevan, Dodla Rao
Redzo Mujcic, PhD
Essays on the Relativity of Utility
Advisors: Paul Frijters, Lana Friesen
Roberta Powell, PhD
An application of the theory of bounded rationality to risk in the stock market
Advisors: John Foster, Phil Bodman
Osborne Sanida, PhD
An empirical analysis of the combined supply and demand influences of export expansion on economic growth: The case of Papua New Guinea
Advisors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Renuka Mahadevan
PhD Awarded 2012
Merehau Mervin, PhD
The effects of life events on mental health (well-being) in Australia
Advisors: Sukhan Jackson, Paul Frijters
Thuto Feger, PhD
Tax Revenue Mobilization and Tax Effort Performance in Sub-Sahara Africa
Advisors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Fabrizio Carmignani
PhD Awarded 2011
Andrew Hodge, PhD
Happiness, Philosophy and Economics
Advisors: Alan Duhs, Prasada Rao
Hieu Phan Sy, PhD
A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of Policies to Promote the Wood-Processing Industry in Northern Vietnam
Advisors: Steve Harrison, David Lamb
Suthin Wianwiwat, PhD
A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Biofuel Promotion Policy in Thailand
Advisors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Renuka Mahadevan
David Smorfitt, PhD
Economics of Feral Pig Control
Advisors: Steve Harrison, J Herbohn, Clem Tisdell
Hidayat Amir, PhD
Tax Policy, Growth, and Income Distribution in Indonesia: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
Advisors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Tien Duc Pham, Renuka Mahadevan
David Rowell, PhD
Moral Hazard: Empirical Evidence in the Australian Market for Automobile Insurance
Advisors: Luke Connelly, Hong Son Nghiem
Adeline Ofori-Bah, PhD
Crop Biodiversity: Economic Implications for the Cocoa Sector in Ghana
Advisors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Lana Friesen
PhD Awarded 2010
Viet Ngu Hoang, PhD
Measuring and Decomposing Economics, Environmental and Ecological Efficiency and Productivity Change in Agricultural Production
Advisors: Chris O'Donnell, Prasada Rao, Mohammad Alauddin, Tim Coelli
Fernando Tavares Camacho, PhD
Infrastructure Price Regulation and Investment
Advisors: Flavio Menezes, John Quiggin
Nicholas Rohde, PhD
Contributions to the Theory and Practice of Inequality Measurement
Advisors: Prasada Rao, KK Tang
Abhayaprada Kamalakanthan, PhD
An Economic Analysis of the Supply of General Practitioners in the Rural and Urban Areas of Australia
Advisors: Sukhan Jackson
Kim Nguyen, PhD
Essays on hospital efficiency measurement
Advisors: Prasada Rao, Tim Coelli, Grace Lordan
Mohammad Hajizadeh, PhD
Equity of Health Care: Empirical Studies in Iran and Australia
Advisors: Luke Connelly, James Butler
Sriram Shankar, PhD
Estimating State-Contingent Technologies
Advisors: Chris O'Donnell, John Quiggin
Barry Golding, PhD
Metals, Energy and Sustainability
Advisors: Harry Campbell, Tim Coelli, John Asafu-Adjaye
Kok Fong See, PhD
Market Reforms and The Performance of The Malaysian Electricity Industry
Advisors: Tim Coelli, Flavio Menezes
PhD Awarded 2009
Mary Hedges, PhD
Tertiary Education Choices in New Zealand: A Pluralistic Investigation
Advisors: Peter Earl, Tony Endres
Donald Burtt, MPhil
Electricity Deregulation, Vertical Integration and the Importance of Independent Electricity Retailers
Advisors: Flavio Menezes
Ti Ching Peng, PhD
A Pluralistic Analysis of Housing Renovation Choices in Brisbane
Advisors: Peter Earl, Len Coote, Jason Potts, Phil Bodman
Paul Bell, PhD
Adaptive Interactive Expectations: Dynamically Modelling Profit Expectations
Advisors: John Foster, Phil Wild, Rodney Strachan
Malebogo Bakwena, PhD
Do Better Institutions Alleviate the Resource Curse? Evidence from a Dynamic Panel Approach
Advisors: Phil Bodman, KK Tang, Thanh Le
PhD Awarded 2008
Colin Green, PhD
The relative effects of job search methods of the employed and unemployed in Australia
Advisors: Gareth Leeves, John Mangan, Phil Bodman
Kumar Sunil, PhD
Causes and consequences of intra-household inequality on poverty determination: The case of semi-urban Indo-Fijian households
Advisors: Renuka Mahadevan, John Asafu-Adjaye
Yoshitaka Hosoi, PhD
The impact of a large scale mine development on the national economy of Fiji: Issues raised by the proposed Namosi mine development
Advisors: Clem Tisdell
Kumudini Ganegodage, PhD
Structural transformation and economic growth
Advisors: Alicia Rambaldi, KK Tang, Prasada Rao
Gonemaituba Waisiki Naqarase, MPhil
Ginger as a growth industry in Fiji
Advisors: Renuka Mahadevan, Mike Smith
PhD Awarded 2007
Joseph Clark, PhD
Complexity, comprehension, and competition: essays on Superannuation
Advisors: Peter Earl, John Quiggin
Jerome Bredt, PhD
The process of job creation and destruction in the Australian economy
Advisors: John Mangan, Tom Mandeville
Kerrie Mitchener, PhD
Preference and utility in economic theory and the history of economic thought
Advisors: Ghanshyam Mehta, Bruce Littleboy
Hong Nghiem, PhD
The efficiency of microfinance and its contribution to poverty reduction: Vietnam case study
Advisors: Tim Coelli, Prasada Rao, James Laurenceson
Derek Headey, PhD
Agriculture, poverty and growth
Advisors: Prasada Rao, Alan Duhs, Mohammad Alauddin
Emma Comerford, PhD
The use of market approaches for natural resource management in regional Queensland
Advisors: Jacqueline Robinson, John Rolfe
Eliana Jimenez Soto, PhD
Migration, remittances and social protection in Fiji , Tonga and Samoa
Advisors: Richard Brown, Gareth Leeves
Mark Bowden, PhD
Can the interaction of heterogeneous agents explain price fluctuations in financial markets?
Advisors: John Foster, Stuart McDonald, Jason Potts
Leonora Risse, PhD
An economic analysis of the provision of maternity leave in Australia and its effects on fertility rates
Advisors: John Mangan, Jie Zhang, Phil Bodman
Pelotshweu Moepeng, PhD
Poverty and social deprivation in Botswana : institutional and policy failures
Advisors: Clem Tisdell, Prasada Rao, Leo Yanes, Rodney Beard
PhD Awarded 2006
Galina Ivanova, PhD
The economics of renewable energy policy with special reference to Australia
Advisors: George Docwra, Rodney Beard, John Asafu-Adjaye
Parvinder Kler, PhD
Title: Graduate overeducation in Australia
Advisors: Gareth Leeves, John Mangan
Lauchlan MacKinnon, PhD
The social construction of economic man: the genesis, spread, impact and institutionalisation of economic ideas
Advisors: Peter Earl, Julian Lamont, John Foster
Krishna Iyer, PhD
Empirical Studies in Trade, Foreign Investment and Economic Performance
Advisors: Alicia Rambaldi / KK Tang / Tim Coelli
Grant Woollett, PhD
Structural change in the Australian economy: the s-shaped curve applied to consumer demand
Advisors: John Foster, John Mangan
Adam Latif, PhD
The economic role of formal and informal inter-firm networks in the development of small and medium industrial enterprises: sudy of symbiosis in the Indonesian garment industry
Advisors: Clem Tisdell, Sukhan Jackson, Chris O'Donnell
Stuart McDonald, PhD
Time Horizon and Uncertainty in Continuous Time Finance: Preferences for Information and Term Structure Modelling
Advisors: Mehta / Rodney Beard
PhD Awarded 2005
Stephen Duthy, PhD
A socio-economic evaluation of the supervised cattle distribution program in the Philippines
Advisors: Steve Harrison, Alan Duhs, Derrin Davis
Gholamreza Hajargasht, PhD
Assessing the implications of labour migration for competitiveness - with evidence from Taiwan
Advisors: Chris O'Donnell, Tim Coelli, Prasada Rao
Averil Cook, PhD
Title: The economics of developing a long-distance walking track in North Queensland
Advisors: Ms Siew Yean Teo
Sorada Tapsuwan, PhD
Title: Valuing the willingness to pay for environmental conservation and management: A case study of scuba diving levies in Mu Ko Similan Marine National Park, Thailand
Advisors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Steve Harrison & Renuka Mahadevan
PhD Awarded 2004
Evelyne Degryse, MPhil
Measuring poverty: A case study of Bali
Advisors: Alan Duhs
Karen Hooper, PhD
Assessing the implications of labour migration for competitiveness - with evidence from Taiwan
Advisors: Richard Brown
Siew Yean Teo, PhD
An analysis of female labour supply and earnings in small Islamic country: Evidence from Brunei Darussalam
Advisors: Gareth Leeves & Phil Bodman
Christopher Nadarajah, MPhil
Production functions in Australian professional team sport: the Australian Football League
Advisors: George Docwra, Renuka Mahadevan
Maxwell Briggs, PhD
Facilitating a large scale collaborative venture (LSCV) project: An approach to economic growth based on a strategic marketing evaluation of the multifunction polis project (1987-1990)
Advisors: Tom Mandeville
Tyron Venn, PhD
Socio-economic evaluation of forestry development opportunities for Wik People on Cape York Peninsula
Advisors: Steve Harrison
Anna Straton, PhD
A complex systems approach to environmental value
Advisors: Richard Brown, John Foster, Jason Potts
PhD Awarded 2003
Zhicun Gao, PhD
Technology transfer in China's industrial development : a study concentrating on the electronics sector and the television industry.
Advisors: Clem Tisdell, Joseph Chai
Mohammad Hossain, PhD
Trade liberalisation and economic performance : analytics and empirics from Bangladesh
Advisors: Neil Karunaratne, Mohammad Alauddin
Boyd Blackwell, PhD
The economics of coastal foreshore and beach management : use, safe bathing facilities, erosion and conservation
Advisors: Clem Tisdell
Tabitha Kiriti, PhD
Gender inequality in agricultural households in Kenya : an economic analysis
Advisors: Clem Tisdell & K.C. Roy
Yapa Bandara, PhD
Trade liberalisation and the productivity impertative in manufacturing industries of Sri Lanka
Advisors: Neil Karunaratne, John Mangan & Renuka Mahadevan
Ranjith Bandara, PhD
Effective economic management and evaluation of human-elephant conflict: Sri Lankan empirical evidence and analysis
Advisors: Clem Tisdell & K.C. Roy
PhD Awarded 2002
Chandra Dulare, PhD
e Monetary policy in a semiopen economy with nominal exchange rate anchor : the case of Fiji
Advisors: Karktik Roy, Neil Karunaratne
Steven Morling, PhD
Inflationary processes in developing countries
Advisors: Karunaratne, Makin & Forsyth
Rex Davis, PhD
An economic analysis of the common cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) in Queensland
Advisors: Clem Tisdell, Steve Harrison
Jean-Claude Eono, PhD
Market and non-market benefits in government-assisted reforestation in the Queensland wet tropics
Advisors: Steve Harrison
Ryan McAllister, PhD
Dynamic analysis of deforestation in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Advisors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Rodney Beard
John Robertson, PhD
An economic analysis of fishing site selection in the commercial Tropical Coral Reef Line Fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Advisors: Bruce Maptsone, Harry Campbell
Darrian Collins, PhD
Economics of outbound business travel : a comparative analysis using Australian data.
Advisors: Clem Tisdell, Neil Karunaratne
PhD Awarded 2001
Nirmal Saha, PhD
An economic analysis of pond polyculture in Bangladesh : efficiency, comparative returns, and related environmental and poverty issues
Advisors: Clem Tisdell, Mohammad Alauddin
Albert Mafusire, PhD
Foreign capital inflows and the export-led growth strategy in Zimbabwe
Advisors: Neil Karunaratne, Tom Mandeville
Paul Simshauser, PhD
Microeconomic reform of wholesale power markets: a dynamic partial equilibrium analysis of the impact of restructuring and deregulation in Queensland
Advisors: Steve Harrison
Nerina Vecchio, PhD
Socioeconomic differentials among older Australians : an investigation of Gold Coast residents, 1998-1999
Advisors: Sukhan Jackson, Ross Guest
PhD Awarded 2000
Maxwell Briggs, PhD
Facilitating a large scale collaborative venture (LSCV) project: An approach to economic growth based on a strategic marketing evaluation of the Multifunction Polis Project (1987 - 1990)
Advisors: Tom Mandeville
Muhammad Imansyah, PhD
Impact analysis for small regions in developing countries: A case study of an application of input-output analysis for small regions in Indonesia
Advisors: Jensen West