Technical reports
Foster, J, Bell, WP, Wild, P, Sharma, D, Sandu, S, Froome, C, Wagner, L, Misra, S, Bagia, R, (2013), "Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change", National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, pp. 345
Global Change Institute (2013), University of Queensland, "Delivering a competitive Australian power system Part 3: A Better Way to Competitive Power in 2035" (EEMG members are contributing authors)
Global Change Institute (2013), University of Queensland, "Delivering a competitive Australian power system Part2: The challenges, the scenarios" (EEMG members are contributing authors)
John Foster, William Paul Bell, Craig Froome, Phillip Wild, Liam Wagner, Deepak Sharma, Suwin Sandu, Suchi Misra and Ravindra Bagia, "Institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change"
Global Change Institute (2011), University of Queensland, "Delivering a competitive Australian power system Part1: Australia’s Global Position" (EEMG Members are Contributing Authors)
John Foster, Liam Wagner, Phil Wild, William Paul Bell, Junhua Zhao and Craig Froome, Final Report: Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid, 2011
John Foster, Liam Wagner, Phil Wild, William Paul Bell, Junhua Zhao and Craig Froome, Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: Interim Report, 2011
John Foster, Liam Wagner, Phil Wild, Junhua Zhao, Lucas Skoofa, Craig Froome and Ariel Liebman, Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: End of Year Report 2010
John Foster, Liam Wagner, Junhua Zhao, Lucas Skoofa and Craig Froome, Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: End of Year Report 2009
John Foster, Liam Wagner and Ariel Liebman, Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: 1st Interim Report 2009
CSIRO (2009), "Intelligent Grid – A value proposition for distributed energy in Australia". CSIRO Report ET/IR 1152. (EEMG members are contributing authors)