I am an economist with over 20 years of policy and research experience. I have lived and worked in Chile, the US, New Zealand, and Australia, where I have collaborated with and led multiple teams and research projects.
I’m interested in market and public policy challenges related to agricultural and resource economics, trade, energy transitions, climate change, resilience, and growth. I have vast experience in econometric and statistical modelling, impact assessment, and forecasting analysis. I love supporting multidisciplinary teams, peer-reviewing studies, and providing advice on policy and development strategies.
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- PhD, Applied Economics, The Pennsylvania State University (USA), 2012
- MS, Applied Economics (Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Economics Program) The Pennsylvania State University (USA), 2008
- BA, Agricultural Engineering (major in Agricultural Economics) Pontificia Universidad Católica (Chile), 2002
Professional appointments
Current appointments
- Honorary Senior Fellow, Department of Economics, The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia)
- Professor and Agricultural and Resource Economics, La Trobe University (Melbourne, Australia).
Past appointments
- Senior research economist, CSIRO (Brisbane)
- Research fellow, Motu Economic and Public Policy Research (Wellington, New Zealand), 2016–2018
- Research analyst, The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NERCRD) The Pennsylvania State University (University Park, PA), 2007–2012
- Summer intern, Economic Research Service (ERS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (Washington, DC), 2007
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
For a full list of peer-reviewed publications, visit David's Google Scholar profile.
Working papers and refereed reports, select:
1. Fleming-Muñoz, D., Poruschi, L., Walton, A., McCrea, R. and P. Grubnic (2021). H2 Progress Indicators and Measures of Success: Data Collection and Analysis. CSIRO. Brisbane, Australia.
2. Williams, L., Capon, T., Fleming-Muñoz, D., van Wensveen, M. and R. Williams (2021). Impact assessment approach: ACIAR-funded soil restoration projects in post-tsunami Aceh. CSIRO. Brisbane, Australia
3. Fleming-Muñoz, D., Poruschi, L., Marcos Martinez R, Measham T, Wu W (2020). Exports 2030: Victorian Food and Fibre Exports Trends and Projections. Report prepared for the Victoria Government. CSIRO. Brisbane, Australia
4. Wen, W., McCallister, R., Fleming-Muñoz, D., Poruschi, L., et al. (2020). Delivering Trusted Australian Agrifood Exports and Boosting Value: The Role of Research and Development. CSIRO. Canberra, Australia
5. Wu, W., Dawson, D., Fleming-Muñoz, D., Schleiger, E. and J. Horton (2019). The Future of Australia’s Agricultural Workforce. CSIRO Data61. Brisbane, Australia
6. Almeida, A., Penton, D., Rocha, A., Fleming, D., et al. (2019). State of the Water Resources in the Kamala Basin. CSIRO and WECS, Nepal
7. Capon, T., Fleming-Muñoz, D., Gorddard, R., Langrené, N., O’Connell, D., Wynn, K., Reeson, A. and P. Toscar (2019). Risk Analysis in Complex Systems for Energy Security. Prepared for the Department of Environment and Energy. CSIRO. ACT, Australia
8. Fleming, D., Cook, S., Pert, P. and N. Lazarow (2019). Leading Practice Approaches to Triple Bottom Line Outcomes and Market Potential of the CLARA Strategic Business Case. CSIRO. Brisbane, Australia
9. Fleming, D., Kerr, S. and E. Lou (2019). Cows, Cash and Climate: Low Stocking Rates, Highperforming Cows, Emissions and Profitability across New Zealand Farms. Motu Working Paper 19-11. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust. Wellington, New Zealand
10. Cortés-Acosta, S., Fleming, D., Henry, L., Lou, E., Owen, S. and B. Small (2019). Identifying Barriers to Adoption of “No-cost” Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Practices in Pastoral Systems. Motu Working Paper 19-10. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust. Wellington, New Zealand
11. Fleming, D., Brown, P., Cortés-Acosta, S., de Klein, C., Dynes, R., Kerr, S., Knook, J. and B. Small (2019). No-cost Agricultural Mitigation Practices. Motu Note #36. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust. Wellington, New Zealand
12. Fleming, D., Noy, I., Pastor-Paz, J. and S. Owen (2018). Public Insurance and Climate Change (part one): Past Trends in Weather-Related Insurance in New Zealand. Motu Working Paper 18-09. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust. Wellington, New Zealand
13. Dorner, Z., Djanibekov, U., Soliman, T., Stroombergen, A., Kerr, S., Fleming, D., Cortes-Acosta, S. and S. Greenhalgh (2018). Land-use Change as a Mitigation Option for Climate Change. Report to the Biological Emissions Reference Group of the Ministry for Primary Industries. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust. Wellington, New Zealand D. Fleming-Muñoz | 2021 5
14. Hendy, J., Ausseil, A-G., Bain, I., Blanc, E., Fleming, D., et al. (2018). Land-use modelling in New Zealand: Current practice and future needs. Motu Working Paper 18-16. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust. Wellington, New Zealand
15. Taylor, B., Walton, A., Loechel, B., Measham, T. and D. Fleming (2017). Strategic Foresight for Regional Australia. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities. CSIRO. Brisbane, Australia
16. Fleming, D., Cai, Y., Graham, P. and T. Measham (2016). Evaluating Economic Models to Forecast Regional Socioeconomic Impacts Generated by Unconventional Fossil Fuel Extraction. Project report for the Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance (GISERA), CSIRO. Brisbane, Australia
17. Moffat, K., Boughen, N., Zhang, A., Lacey, N., Fleming, D. and K. Uribe (2014). Chilean Attitudes toward Mining, Citizen Survey – 2014 Results. Mineral Resources Flagship report, CSIRO. Brisbane, Australia
18. Fleming, D. (2013). Assessing Regional Economic Impacts across a Mining Boom Country: Australia, 2001–2011. Refereed proceedings of the 2nd Social Responsibility in Mining conference. Santiago, Chile
19. Fleming, D. and T. Measham (2013). Disentangling the Natural Resources Curse: National and Regional Socioeconomic Impacts of Resource Windfalls. Selected paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES joint annual meeting. Washington, USA
20. Brown, J., Goetz, S. and D. Fleming (2012). Multifunctional Agriculture and Farm Viability in the United States. Selected paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2012 annual meeting. Seattle, USA
21. Fleming, D. (2012). On the Importance of Social Capital in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters: An Empirical Investigation of the 2010 Chilean Earthquake. LACEEP Working Paper Series WP41. Turrialba, Costa Rica
22. Fleming, D., McGranahan, D. and S. Goetz (2009). Natural Amenities and Rural Development: The Role of Land–Based Policies in the U.S. Rural Development Paper No. 45, The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development. University Park, USA