Dr Antonio Peyrache
Senior Lecturer
School of Economics
+61 7 334 67056
Room 531, Level 5, Colin Clark Building (#39)
Book Chapter
Peyrache, Antonio and Silva, Maria C. A. (2022). Efficiency and Productivity Analysis from a System Perspective: Historical Overview. Advances in Economic Measurement. (pp. 173-230) Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-2023-3_4
Journal Articles
Bos, Jaap W. B., Lamers, Martien, Peyrache, Antonio and Purice, Victoria (2024). Carrying the (paper) burden: a portfolio view of systemic risk and optimal bank size. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-10. doi: 10.1080/01605682.2024.2383372
Peyrache, Antonio (2024). A homothetic data generated technology. European Journal of Operational Research, 316 (1), 255-267. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.01.031
Peyrache, Antonio and Silva, Maria C. A. (2024). The decomposition of efficiency in parallel network production models. Omega, 127 103084, 103084. doi: 10.1016/j.omega.2024.103084
Peyrache, Antonio and Zago, Angelo (2024). The inefficiency of courts of justice: industry structure, capacity and misallocation. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 62 (2), 217-238. doi: 10.1007/s11123-024-00731-5
Peyrache, Antonio and Silva, Maria C. A. (2023). Efficiency decomposition for multi-level multi-components production technologies. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 60 (3), 273-294. doi: 10.1007/s11123-023-00690-3
Peyrache, Antonio, Rose, Christiern and Sicilia, Gabriela (2020). Variable selection in Data Envelopment Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 282 (2), 644-659. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.09.028
Peyrache, Antonio and Zelenyuk, Valentin (2017). Introduction to the APPC2014 special issue. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 47 (3), 185-187. doi: 10.1007/s11123-017-0506-6
Peyrache, A. and Rambaldi, A. N. (2017). Incorporating temporal and country heterogeneity in growth accounting - an application to EU-KLEMS. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 47 (2), 143-166. doi: 10.1007/s11123-017-0498-2
Filippetti, Andrea and Peyrache, Antonio (2016). Productivity growth and catching up: a technology gap explanation. International Review of Applied Economics, 31 (3), 1-21. doi: 10.1080/02692171.2016.1249831
Peyrache, Antonio and Zago, Angelo (2016). Large courts, small justice!: the inefficiency and the optimal structure of the Italian justice sector. Omega, 64, 42-56. doi: 10.1016/j.omega.2015.11.002
Zhu, M. and Peyrache, A. (2015). The quality and efficiency of public service delivery in the UK and China. Regional Studies, 51 (2), 285-296. doi: 10.1080/00343404.2015.1080992
Filippetti, Andrea and Peyrache, Antonio (2015). Technology or investment? An enquiry into the chinese model of growth at the region level. Innovation and Development, 5 (1), 39-58. doi: 10.1080/2157930X.2014.1003449
Peyrache, Antonio (2015). Cost Constrained Industry Inefficiency. European Journal of Operational Research, 247 (3) 13074, 996-1002. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.06.067
Filippetti, Andrea and Peyrache, Antonio (2013). Is the Convergence Party over? Labour productivity and the technology gap in Europe. Journal of Common Market Studies, 51 (6), 1006-1022. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12066
Peyrache, Antonio (2013). Industry structural inefficiency and potential gains from mergers and break-ups: a comprehensive approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 230 (2), 422-430. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.04.034
Peyrache, Antonio (2013). Multilateral productivity comparisons and homotheticity. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40 (1), 57-65. doi: 10.1007/s11123-012-0298-7
Filippetti, Andrea and Peyrache, Antonio (2013). Labour productivity and technology gap in European regions: a conditional frontier approach. Regional Studies, 49 (4), 532-554. doi: 10.1080/00343404.2013.799768
Peyrache, Antonio (2013). Hicks-Moorsteen versus Malmquist: a connection by means of a radial productivity index. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 41 (3), 435-442. doi: 10.1007/s11123-013-0350-2
Peyrache, Antonio and Daraio, Cinzia (2012). Empirical tools to assess the sensitivity of directional distance functions to direction selection. Applied Economics, 44 (8), 933-943. doi: 10.1080/00036846.2010.526582
Filippetti, Andrea and Peyrache, Antonio (2011). The patterns of technological capabilities of countries: A dual approach using composite indicators and data envelopment analysis. World Development, 39 (7), 1108-1121. doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2010.12.009
Peyrache, A. and Coelli, T. (2009). Testing procedures for detection of linear dependencies in efficiency models. European Journal of Operational Research, 198 (2), 647-654. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2008.08.014
Conference Papers
Tranh, T. H. Y., Rambaldi, A. N. and Peyrache, A. (2015). Estimating Economic Relationships under Measurement Error: An Application to the Productivity of US Manufacturing. Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE 2015), Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-27 June 2015.
Peyrache, A. and Rambaldi, A. N. (2014). Incorporating temporal and country heterogeneity in growth accounting: an application to EU-KLEMS. ESAM/ACE 2014: Joint Meetings of the Australian Conference of Economists (ACE) and Econometric Society Australasian Meeting (ESAM), Hobart, TAS, Australia, 1-4 July, 2014. Hobart, TAS, Australia: Economic Society of Australia.
Peyrache, Antonio, Rambald, Alicia N. and Trinh, D. T. (2013). Aggregate Labour Productivity Growth, TFP and Structural Change with EU-KLEMS. IARIW-UNSW Conference on Productivity: Measurement, Drivers and Trends, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 26-27 November 2013.
Research Reports
O'Donnell, C. J. and Peyrache, A. (2020). Agricultural productivity in Asia: measures and perspectives 2019. Tokyo, Japan: Asian Productivity Organization.
Rao, D. S. P., O'Donnell, C. J. and Peyrache, A. (2012). Efficiency analysis of public hospital acute admitted services: critique of draft report. UniQuest Project No: C00009 Brisbane, QLD, Australia: UniQuest.
O’Donnell, C. J., Rao, D. S. P., Nguyen, K. and Peyrache, A. (2011). Efficiency analysis of public hospital acute admitted services: project plan (final). UniQuest Project No: C00009 St Lucia, QLD, Australia: UniQuest.
O'Donnell, Chris and Peyrache, Antonio (2011). Productivity and efficiency of farms in the northern grains region. UniQuest Project No: 16874 St Lucia, QLD, Australia: UniQuest.
Working Papers
Peyrache, Antonio (2014). Cost Constrained Industry Inefficiency. Working Paper. WP04/2014. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio and Zhu, Minyan (2013). The quality and efficiency of public service delivery in the UK and China. Working Paper. 05. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio and Zago, Angelo (2012). Large Courts, Small Justice! The inefficiency and the optimal structure of the Italian Justice Sector. Working Paper. WP06/2012. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio and Filippetti, Andrea (2012). Labour productivity and technology gap in European regions: A non-parametric approach. Working Paper. WP0x/2008. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio (2012). Industry structural inefficiency and potential gains from mergers and break-ups: an empirical approach. Working Paper. WP0x/2008. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio and Rambaldi, Alicia N. (2012). A State-Space Stochastic Frontier Panel Data Model. Working Paper. WP01/2012. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio (2010). Multilateral productivity comparisons and homotheticity. Working Paper. WP11/2010. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio (2010). The Globalization of Technological Capabilities of Countries:A Dual Approach Using Composite Indicators & Data Envelopment Analysis. Working Paper. WP10/2010. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio (2010). Where is the primal Total Factor Productivity Index?. Working Paper. WP06/2010. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio (2009). A Multiplicative Directional Distance Function. Working Paper. WP02/2009. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Peyrache, Antonio (2008). Testing procedures for detection of linear dependencies in efficiency models. Working Paper. WP02/2008. School of Economics, University of Queensland.