Honorary Professor Knox Lovell
Honorary Professor
+61 7 334 67057
Room 532, Level 5, Colin Clark Building (#39)

Grifell-Tatje, Emili and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2015). Productivity accounting: the economics of business performance. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139021418
Kumbhakar, Subal C. and Lovell, C.A. Knox (2007). Sui ji bian jie fen xi. Shanghai Shi, China: Fu dan da xue chu ban seh.
Kumbhakar, Subal C. and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2003). Stochastic frontier analysis. Paperback ed. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Kumbhakar, Subal C. and Lovell, C.A. Knox (2000). Stochastic frontier analysis. Cambridge, England; New York, U.S.: Cambridge University Press.
Book Chapters
Lovell, C. A.K. (2022). Productivity measurement: past, present, and future. Advances in economic measurement: a volume in honour of D. S. Prasada Rao. (pp. 3-103) edited by Duangkamon Chotikapanich, Alicia N. Rambaldi and Nicholas Rohde. Singapore, Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-2023-3_1
Pastor, Jesús T. and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2020). Local circularity of six classic price indexes. Advances in Efficiency and Productivity II. (pp. 107-123) Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-41618-8_7
Aparicio, Juan, Lovell, C. A. Knox, Pastor, Jesus T. and Zhu, Joe (2020). Introduction. Advances in efficiency and productivity II. (pp. 3-8) Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-41618-8_1
Bai, Xuejie, Lovell, Knox and Pang, Ruizhi (2018). Editors' introduction. Energy, environment and transitional green growth in China. (pp. 3-14) edited by Ruizhi Pang, Xuijie Bai and Knox Lovell. Singapore: Springer.
Grifell-Tatje, Emili, Lovell, C. A. Knox and Sickles, Robin C. (2018). Overview of productivity analysis: history, issues and perspectives. The Oxford handbook of productivity analysis. (pp. 3-73) edited by Emili Grifell-Tatje, C. A. Knox Lovell and Robin C. Sickles. New York: Oxford University Press.
Grifell-Tatje, Emili and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2018). Productivity and financial performance. The Oxford handbook of productivity analysis. (pp. 329-358) edited by Emili Grifell-Tatje, C. A. Knox Lovell and Robin C. Sickles. New York: Oxford University Press.
Edmonds, H. K., Lovell, J. E. and Lovell, C. A. K. (2017). Assessing stream health with respect to ecological connectivity. New directions in productivity measurement and efficiency analysis: counting the environment and natural resources. (pp. 98-119) edited by Tihomir Ancev, M. A. Samad Azad and Francese Hernandez-Sancho. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing . doi: 10.4337/9781786432421.00009
Grifell-Tatje, Emili and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2016). Exact relationships between fisher indexes and theoretical indexes. Advances in efficiency and productivity. (pp. 97-120) edited by Juan Aparicio, C. A. K. Lovell and Jesus T. Pastor, . Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48461-7_5
Lovell, C.A. Knox and Grifell-Tatje, Emili (2013). Advances in Cost Frontier Analysis of the Firm. The Oxford Handbook of Managerial Economics. (pp. 1-18) edited by Christopher R. Thomas and William Shughart. London, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199782956.013.0004
Fried, Harold O., Lovell, C. A. Knox and Schmidt, Shelton S. (2008). Efficiency and productivity. The measurement of productive efficiency and productivity change. (pp. 3-91) edited by Harold O. Fried, C. A.Knox Lovell and Shelton S. Schmidt. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195183528.003.0001
Lovell, Charles A. K. (2008). Production frontier. International encyclopedia of the social sciences. (pp. 507-508) edited by William A. Darity. Detroit, U.S.: Macmillan Reference.
Lovell, Charles A.K. (2006). Malmquist Productivity Index – Government funded education services. Productivity analysis in the service sector with data envelopment analysis. (pp. 149-162) edited by N. K. Avkiran. Ipswich, QLD: N.K. Avkiran.
Lovell, Charles Albert Knox and Grifell-TatjÃ, E. (2004). Ferrell's technical efficiency measurement. An eponymous dictionary of economics: A guide to laws and theorems named after economists. (pp. 75-75) edited by Segura, Julio and Braun, Carlos Rodriguez. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lovell, Charles Albert Knox (2002). Performance Assessment in the Public Sector. Efficiency in the Public Sector. (pp. 11-35) edited by K. J. Fox. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Fu, Tsu-Tan, Huang, Cliff J. and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2002). "Editors' Introduction". Productivity and Economic Performance in the Asia-Pacific Region. (pp. 1-13) edited by Tsu-Tan Fu, Cliff J. Huang and C. A. Knox Lovell. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar.
Lovell, C. A. Knox and Zieschang, Kimberly D. (1994). The problem of new and disappearing commodities in the construction of price indexes. Data envelopment analysis: theory, methodology, and application. (pp. 353-368) edited by Abraham Charnes, William W. Cooper, Arie Y. Lewin and Lawrence M. Seiford. Boston, United States: Kluwer Academic Publishers. doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-0637-5_18
Journal Articles
Aigner, Dennis J., Lovell, C. A. Knox and Schmidt, Peter (2023). On the origins of Aigner, Lovell and Schmidt, 1977, and the development of stochastic frontier analysis. Journal of Econometrics, 234, 91-95. doi: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.01.019
Edmonds, Heidi K., Lovell, C. A. Knox and Lovell, Julie E. (2023). The Inequities of National Adaptation to Climate Change. Resources, 12 (1) 1, 1-26. doi: 10.3390/resources12010001
Pastor, Jesus T., Lovell, C.A. Knox and Aparicio, Juan (2020). Defining a new graph inefficiency measure for the proportional directional distance function and introducing a new Malmquist productivity index. European Journal of Operational Research, 281 (1), 222-230. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.08.021
Grifell-Tatjé, E. and Lovell, C. A. K. (2020). Dual productivity analysis: A Konüs/Shephard approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 289 (1), 328-337. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.06.037
Grifell-Tatjé, E. and Lovell, C. A.K. (2018). Special issue: New frontiers for productivity research in management and business. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 21 (4), 213-214. doi: 10.1016/j.brq.2018.09.003
Grifell-Tatjé, Emili, Lovell, C. A. Knox and Turon, Pau (2018). The business foundations of social economic progress. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 21 (4), 278-292. doi: 10.1016/j.brq.2018.08.006
Alauddin, Mohammad, Ashman, Adrian, Nghiem, Son and Lovell, Knox (2017). What determines students' expectations and preferences in university teaching and learning? An instrumental variable approach. Economic Analysis and Policy, 56, 18-27. doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2017.06.002
Edmonds, Heidi K. , Lovell, Julie E. and Lovell, C.A. Knox (2017). A new composite index for greenhouse gases: Climate science meets social science. Resources, 6 (4) 62, 1-16. doi: 10.3390/resources6040062
Aparicio, Juan, Lovell, C. A. Knox and Pastor, Jesus T. (2016). Advances in Efficiency and Productivity Editors' Introduction. Advances in Efficiency and Productivity, 249, 3-11. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48461-7_1
Lovell, C. A. K. (2016). Recent developments in productivity analysis. Pacific Economic Review, 21 (4), 417-444. doi: 10.1111/1468-0106.12191
Alauddin, Mohammad, Ashman, Adrian, Nghiem, Son and Lovell, Knox (2016). What determines students' study practices in higher education? An instrumental variable approach. Economic Analysis and Policy, 51, 46-54. doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2016.05.006
Karagiannis, Giannis and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2016). Productivity measurement in radial DEA models with a single constant input. European Journal of Operational Research, 251 (1), 323-328. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.12.013
Millington, H. K., Lovell, J. E. and Lovell, C. A. K. (2015). A framework for guiding the management of urban stream health. Ecological Economics, 109, 222-233. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.11.017
Fu, Tsu-Tan, Huang, Cliff J. and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2014). Guest editors' introduction. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 41 (2), 173-174. doi: 10.1007/s11123-013-0353-z
Grifell-Tatje, E. and Lovell, C. A. K. (2014). Productivity, price recovery, capacity constraints and their financial consequences. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 41 (1), 3-17. doi: 10.1007/s11123-013-0373-8
Lovell, C. A. K. and Lovell, J. E. (2013). Productivity decline in Australian coal mining. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40 (3), 443-455. doi: 10.1007/s11123-013-0340-4
Lovell, C. A. Knox and Sickles, Robin C. (2012). In Memoriam to William W. Cooper. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 38 (3), 235-236. doi: 10.1007/s11123-012-0325-8
Pastor, Jesus T., Lovell, C. A. Knox and Aparicio, Juan (2012). Families of linear efficiency programs based on Debreu's loss function. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 38 (2), 109-120. doi: 10.1007/s11123-011-0216-4
Lovell, C. A. Knox and Sickles, Robin C. (2011). Introduction to the symposium of presentations from the Plenary Sessions of the 2010 North American Productivity Workshop. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 36 (2), 157-158. doi: 10.1007/s11123-011-0233-3
Pastor, Jesús T., Asmild, Mette and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2011). The biennial Malmquist productivity change index. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 45 (1), 10-15. doi: 10.1016/j.seps.2010.09.001
Brea, H., Grifell-Tatje, E. and Lovell, C. A. K. (2011). Testing the product test. Economics Letters, 113 (2), 157-159. doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2011.06.017
Cooper, W.W. and Lovell, C. A. K. (2011). History lessons. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 36 (2), 193-200. doi: 10.1007/s11123-011-0224-4
Lovell, C. A. K. and Sickles, R. C. (2010). In memoriam: John W. Kendrick. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 34 (1), 1-2. doi: 10.1007/s11123-010-0169-z
Mosheim, Roberto and Lovell, C.A. Knox (2009). Scale economies and inefficiency of US dairy farms. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91 (3), 777-794. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8276.2009.01269.x
Cuesta, Rafael A., Lovell, C.A. Knox and Zofio, Jose L. (2009). Environmental efficiency measurement with translog distance functions: A parametric approach. Ecological Economics, 68 (8-9), 2232-2242. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2009.02.001
Lovell, C.A. Knox, Rodriguez-Alvarez, Ana and Wall, Alan (2009). The effects of stochastic demand and expense preference behaviour on public hospital costs and excess capacity. Health Economics, 18 (2), 227-235. doi: 10.1002/hec.1352
Lim, Siew Hoon and Lovell, C.A. Knox (2009). Profit and productivity of US Class I railroads. Managerial and Decision Economics, 30 (7), 423-442. doi: 10.1002/mde.1462
Grifell-Tatje, E. and Lovell, C. A. K. (2008). Productivity at the post: its drivers and its distribution. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 33 (2), 133-158. doi: 10.1007/s11149-007-9051-y
Lim, Siew Hoon and Lovell, Charles A. K. (2008). Short-run total cost change and productivity of US Class I railroads. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 42 (1), 155-188.
Pastor, Jesús T. and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2007). Circularity of the Malmquist Productivity Index. Economic Theory, 33 (3), 591-599. doi: 10.1007/s00199-006-0169-4
Lovell, C. A. K., Estellita Lins, M. P. and Moreira da Silva, A. C. (2007). Avoiding infeasibility in DEA models with weight restrictions. European Journal of Operational Research, 181 (2), 956-966. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2006.05.041
Cherchye, Laurens, Lovell, C. A. Knox, Moesena, Wim and Van Puyenbroeck, Tom (2007). One market, one number? A composite indicator assessment of EU internal market dynamics. European Economic Review, 31 (3), 749-779. doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2006.03.011
Pastor, Jesús T., Lovell, C. A. Knox and Tulkens, Henry (2006). Evaluating the financial performance of bank branches. Annals of Operations Research, 145 (1), 321-337. doi: 10.1007/s10479-006-0038-3
Gao, Jian, Campbell, James and Lovell, C.A. Knox (2006). Equitable resource allocation and operational efficiency evaluation. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 7 (1/2), 143-167. doi: 10.1504/IJHTM.2006.007877
Lovell, C.A. Knox (2006). Frontier analysis in healthcare. International journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 7 (1/2), 5-14. doi: 10.1504/IJHTM.2006.007870
Pastor, Jesus T. and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2005). A global Malmquist productivity index. Economic Letters, 88 (2), 266-271. doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2005.02.013
Ball, V. E., Lovell, C. A. K., Luu, H. and Nehring, R. (2004). Incorporating environmental impacts in the measurement of agricultural productivity growth. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 29 (3), 436-460.
Rodríguez-Álvarez, Ana, Fernández-Blancoa, Víctor and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2004). Allocative inefficiency and its cost: The case of Spanish public hospitals. International Journal of Production Economics, 92 (2), 99-111. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2003.08.012
Grifell-Tatjéa, E. and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2004). Decomposing the dividend. Journal of Comparative Economics, 32 (3), 500-518. doi: 10.1016/j.jce.2004.05.002
Lauer, Jeremy A., Lovell, C. A. Knox, Murray, Christopher J. L. and Evans, David B. (2004). World health system performance revisited: the impact of varying the relative importance of health system goals. BMC Health Services Research, 4 (1) 19, 19-1-19-8. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-4-19
Rodríguez-Álvarez, Ana and Lovell, Charles A. K. (2004). Excess capacity and expense preference behaviour in National Health Systems: an application to the Spanish public hospitals. Health Economics, 13 (2), 157-169. doi: 10.1002/hec.803
Lovell, C. A. Knox (2003). The decomposition of malmquist productivity indexes. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 20 (3), 437-459. doi: 10.1023/A:1027312102834
Grifell-Tatjé, Emili and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2003). The managers versus the consultants. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 195 (1), 119-138. doi: 10.1111/1467-9442.00008
Lovell, C. A. K. and Rouse, P. B. (2003). Equivalent standard DEA models to provide super-efficiency scores. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54 (1), 101-108. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601483
Fried, H. O, Lovell, C. A. K., Schmidt, S. S. and Yaisawarng, S. (2002). Accounting for environmental effects and statistical noise in data envelopment analysis. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 17 (1-2), 157-174. doi: 10.1023/A:1013548723393
Reinhard, Stijn, Lovell, C. A. Knox and Thijssen, Geert (2001). Analysis of environmental efficiency variation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84 (4), 1054-1065. doi: 10.1111/1467-8276.00053
Branson, Johannah and Lovell, C. A. Knox (2001). A Growth Maximizing Tax Structure for New Zealand. International Tax and Public Finance, 8 (2), 129-146. doi: 10.1023/A:1011216618163
Kumbhakar, Subal. C., Lozano-Vivas, Ana, Lovell, C. A. Knox and Hasan, Iftekhar (2001). The effects of deregulation on the performance of financial institutions: The case of Spanish Savings Banks. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 33 (1), 101-120. doi: 10.2307/2673874
Zofio, Jose L. and Lovell, Charles Albert Knox (2001). Graph efficiency and productivity measures: An application to US agriculture. Journal Applied Economics, 33 (11), 1433-1442. doi: 10.1080/00036840010009865
Conference Papers
Coelli, T., Hajargasht, G. and Lovell, Charles A.K. (2007). Econometric Estimation of an Input Distance Function in a System of Equations. ESAM07 Australian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Brisbane, Australia, 3-6 July 2007. Brisbane, Australia: Econometric Society.
Lovell, Charles Albert Knox (2005). Environmental Productivity Accounting. 2004 Productivity Commission Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 17-18 November 2004. Melbourne, VIC: Media and Publications, Productivity Commission.
Reference Entry
Working Papers
Grifell-Tatje, E. and Lovell, C. A. K. (2015). Exact Relationships between Fisher Indexes and Theoretical Indexes. CEPA Working Paper Series. WP06/2015. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Lovell, Charles A. K. and Grifell-Tateje, E. (2015). Decompositions of Profitability Change Using Cost Functions: A Comment. CEPA Working Paper Series. WP03/2015. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Lovell, Charles A.K. and Karagiannis, Giannis (2013). Productivity Measurement In Radial Dea Models With Multiple Constant Inputs. Working Paper. WP08/2013. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Lovell, Charles A.K., Lovell, Jane and Millington, H. K. (2013). Using Fieldwork, GIS and DEA to Guide Management of Urban Stream Health. Working Paper, Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. 07. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Lovell, Charles A.K. and Grifell-Tatje, E. (2013). Productivity, Price Recovery, Capacity Constraints and their Financial Consequences. Working Paper. WP03/2012. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Lovell, Charles A.K. (2010). Testing the Product Test. Working Paper. WP07/2010. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Lovell, Charles A.K. (2009). Families of Linear Efficiency Programs based on Debreu’s Loss Function. Working Paper. WP04/2009. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Lovell, Charles A.K. (2008). Econometric Estimation of an Input Distance Function in a System of Equations. Working Paper. WP01/2008. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Lovell, Charles A.K. (2007). Productivity at the Post: its Drivers and its Distribution. Working Paper. WP02/2006. School of Economics, University of Queensland.