44th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2015)
7 July 2015 9:00am–10 July 2015 5:00pm
About 44th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2015)
The Economic Society of Australia (Queensland) in association with The University of Queensland, QUT and Griffith University, invites you to the 44th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2015). The conference will be hosted at the QUT Gardens Point campus from July 7-10, 2015.
ACE 2015 will bring renowned international economists to Brisbane as well as showcase the economic prowess of Australian economists in an innovative program structure that will facilitate dialogue between academic, public policy and market economists.
This year’s international keynote speakers are
- Federico M Bandi, John Hopkins University;
- Wendy Carlin, University College London;
- Paul J Ferraro, Georgia State University;
- Paul Klemperer, Oxford University;
- Ariel Rubinstein, Tel-Aviv and NYU.
Please see the conference website to register or for more information: http://ace2015.org.au/
QUT Gardens Point campus