Speaker: A/Prof Marian Vidal-Fernandez
Affiliation: University of Sydney
Location: Room S402, Social Science Bld (#24), UQ St Lucia campus
We study the existence and evolution of the birth order differences in labor market outcomes in the Netherlands over the 19th century. Using historical family-linked administrative birth, death, and marriage records, we analyze the role of family composition and socio-economic status on differences among siblings. Consistent with results in modern developed countries, we find a negative and significant birth order effect in occupational rank in the mid 19th century Netherlands. Within the same family, later-born siblings tend to have lower ranked occupations. This small but negative birth order effect is primarily driven by the number of male older siblings and a strong positive first- and lastborn effects. It is also more salient among urban, protestant, and socioeconomically advantaged families. Surprisingly, the magnitude of the birth order effects remains relatively stable over a period a rapid economic growth in the Netherlands, and it is not driven by inheriting the father's occupation. Taken together, our findings suggest that differing patterns of birth order effects observed in developed and developing countries in modern times are not likely attributable to differences in economic growth.
About the presenter's meeting
A/Prof Vidal-Fernandez will be visiting the School of Economics on Friday 2nd December. While here, she will be using Room 520A, Level 5, Colin Clark Building. If you would like to meet with the speaker, please contact Dr Rigissa Megalokonomou who will be her host while at The University of Queensland.
About School Seminar Series
The School of Economics General Seminar Series is held on Fridays. These are in-person and presented by a range of guest researchers from around Australia and internationally.