High school students shine in economics competition

30 Sep 2019

Ten budding economists from high schools across Queensland have been recognised for their outstanding performance in the UQ and QETA 2019 Student Economics Competition.

More than 2491 Year 11 and 12 students from 46 schools around the state competed in this year’s competition, which was coordinated by the Queensland Economics Teachers’ Association (QETA) and sponsored by The University of Queensland’s School of Economics.

The long-running competition asks students to answer 40 multiple-choice questions in 45 minutes, covering topics related to current economics events and core units of the Queensland high school economics curriculum. 

The first, second, and third place winners in each year level received cash prizes at a special UQ ceremony acknowledging their achievements. All participants in the competition also received a certificate.

Student recipients of this year's awards. 

Congratulations to the following competition winners:

Year 11

First place: Lewis Luck – Brisbane Grammar School 

Second place: Lucas Kebbell – Cannon Hill Anglican College 

Third place: Isaak Collie – Villanova College and Ashleigh Westmoreland –QLD Academy Science, Mathematics & Technology


Year 12

First place: Yuri Gervasiev – QLD Academy Science, Mathematics & Technology

Second place: Hugo Brown – Brisbane Grammar School,  Jian Lin – Brisbane Grammar School, William Du – Brisbane State High School

Third place:, Daniel Keppie – St. Andrew’s Catholic College Redlynch and Ethan Titmus – Cavendish Road State High School


Are you interested in studying economics at UQ? Learn more about the program here.
