Nine budding economists from high schools across Queensland demonstrated their economic prowess with top scores in the QETA and UQ 2018 Student Economics Competition.
More than 1500 Year 11 and 12 students from 36 schools around the state competed in this year’s competition, which was coordinated by the Queensland Economics Teachers’ Association (QETA) and sponsored by The University of Queensland’s School of Economics.
The long-running competition asks students to answer 40 multiple-choice questions in 45 minutes, covering topics related to current economics events and core units of the Queensland high school economics curriculum.

Year 12 joint first-place winner and Brisbane Grammar School student Gregor Stewart said the competition confirmed he was on the right track academically.
“Winning this competition was not only a fantastic surprise, but also an honour and a privilege,” Mr Stewart said.
“It has helped me gain a great deal of confidence in my ability to study the field of economics going forward–something that I am truly grateful for.
“The main thing that I enjoy about economics is seeing the tangible impact that different decisions and trains of thought can have on all sorts of communities and demographics.”
UQ School of Economics’ Acting Head of School Professor Phil Bodman said studying economics gave students the tools to help them navigate an ever-changing world characterised by digital disruption.
“In an often volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, an understanding of how people make choices, respond to incentives, set up and engage with institutions, and interact with each other is increasingly important,” Professor Bodman said.
“Firms and government agencies will look for people who have the skills that training in economics brings – not just technical and mathematical skills, but deeper thinking, analytical and problem solving skills, and communication skills.
“Studying economics makes you highly employable, and I would say that studying economics at UQ gives students even more of an advantage.
“We have fantastic lecturers who are also great researchers, as well as an award-winning Faculty Student Employability Team to help polish students professionally.”
Professor Bodman congratulated the nine competition prize winners on their achievement.
The first-,second-, and third-place winners in each year level received cash prizes at a special UQ ceremony acknowledging their achievements. All participants in the competition also received a certificate.
The QETA and UQ 2018 Student Economics Competition winners were as follows:
Year 11
First place: PJ Bryan and Jian Lin – Brisbane Grammar School
Second place: Joe Manjaly – Queensland Academy for Science, Maths and Technology
Third place: James Crane and Harrison Emery – Brisbane Grammar School
Year 12
First place: Gregor Stewart and Elliot Hunt – Brisbane Grammar School
Second place: Joshua Dalton-Peacock – Ipswich Grammar School
Third place: Christopher Pittaway – Nanango State High School