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Rational Bubbles and Middlemen

18 October 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Dr Makoto Watanabe, University of Amsterdam

Strategy-Proof and Efficient Mediation: An Ordinal Mechanism Design Approach

15 October 2019 2:15pm
Presented by Dr Onur Kesten, Carnegie Mellon University.

Optimal Pricing by a Risk-Averse Seller

11 October 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Tomer Siedner, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Anticipated House Purchases and Household Consumption

8 October 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Dr Isaac Gross, Monash University

Renegotiation with Ex-Post Competition in Procurement

27 September 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Dr Ruitian Lang, Australian National University

Real Consequences of Open Market Operations: The Role of Limited Commitment

25 September 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Dr Francesco Carli, Deakin University

Projection of Private Values in Auctions

24 September 2019 2:00pm
Presented by Antonio Rosato, UTS

Nonparametric production analysis with unobserved heterogeneity in productivity

23 September 2019 11:00am
Presented by Dr Bram De Rock, University Libre de Brxelles and University of Leuven

Residential Investment in Australia and Domestic Market Incentives

5 September 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Maria Yanotti, University of Tasmania

Social Media and Polarization (with Arthur Campbell and C. Matthew Leister)

3 September 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Yves Zenou, Monash University. Paper provided.

Continuous versus Abrupt Reorganisations

30 August 2019 1:00pm
Presented by Dr Hongyi Li, University of New South Wales


Incentive-Compatibility, Limited Liability and Costly Liquidation in financial Contracting

27 August 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Zhengqing Gui, Monash University.
Lady with possum

Cuddle an Aussie animal day - postgraduate event

26 August 2019 12:00pm2:00pm
In the lead up to mid-semester exams the school has invited some of Australia’s favourite wildlife along for a hands-on experience for economics postgraduate students that will be sure to distract and delight.

Dividend Policy of State-Owned Firms – Evidence from German Municipally-Owned Corporations

23 August 2019 2:30pm3:30pm
Presented by Maria Nieswand, Loughborough University

Capital and Uncertainty – How Large Capital Investment Decisions are made within a Firm

22 August 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Dr Ian Runge, The University of Queensland.

Breaking Echo Chambers with Personalised News

20 August 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Jiemai Wu, Sydney University.

Campaign messages, polling and elections: theory and experimental evidence

16 August 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Nicholas Feltovich, Monash University.

The Long Run Political Consequences of Integration Through Busing

15 August 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Dr Ethan Kaplan, University of Maryland.

Firm Growth Through New Establishments

13 August 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Professor Toshihiko Mukoyama, University of Georgetown

Sharing Cost Information in Oligopoly

9 August 2019 2:30pm3:30pm
Presented by Gregory Kubitz, QUT
