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Service Level Provision in Municipalities: A Flexible directional Distance Composite Indicator

24 October 2019 12:00pm
Presented by Dr Giovana D’Inverno, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
scholarship and prize winners group shot

Scholarship and Prizes Evening 2019

23 October 2019 6:00pm
The School of Economics Scholarships and Prizes Ceremony is an annual event celebrating the achievements of our scholarship and prize winning students.

Demographic Origins of the Startup Deficit

23 October 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Dr Faith Karahan, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Dutch versus First-Price Auction with Dynamic Reference-Dependent Preferences

22 October 2019 2:00pm
Presented by Dr Benjamin Balzer, University of Technology Sydney

Rational Bubbles and Middlemen

18 October 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Dr Makoto Watanabe, University of Amsterdam

Strategy-Proof and Efficient Mediation: An Ordinal Mechanism Design Approach

15 October 2019 2:15pm
Presented by Dr Onur Kesten, Carnegie Mellon University.

Optimal Pricing by a Risk-Averse Seller

11 October 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Tomer Siedner, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Anticipated House Purchases and Household Consumption

8 October 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Dr Isaac Gross, Monash University

Renegotiation with Ex-Post Competition in Procurement

27 September 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Dr Ruitian Lang, Australian National University

Real Consequences of Open Market Operations: The Role of Limited Commitment

25 September 2019 1:30pm
Presented by Dr Francesco Carli, Deakin University

Projection of Private Values in Auctions

24 September 2019 2:00pm
Presented by Antonio Rosato, UTS

Nonparametric production analysis with unobserved heterogeneity in productivity

23 September 2019 11:00am
Presented by Dr Bram De Rock, University Libre de Brxelles and University of Leuven

Residential Investment in Australia and Domestic Market Incentives

5 September 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Maria Yanotti, University of Tasmania

Social Media and Polarization (with Arthur Campbell and C. Matthew Leister)

3 September 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Yves Zenou, Monash University. Paper provided.

Continuous versus Abrupt Reorganisations

30 August 2019 1:00pm
Presented by Dr Hongyi Li, University of New South Wales


Incentive-Compatibility, Limited Liability and Costly Liquidation in financial Contracting

27 August 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Dr Zhengqing Gui, Monash University.
Lady with possum

Cuddle an Aussie animal day - postgraduate event

26 August 2019 12:00pm2:00pm
In the lead up to mid-semester exams the school has invited some of Australia’s favourite wildlife along for a hands-on experience for economics postgraduate students that will be sure to distract and delight.

Dividend Policy of State-Owned Firms – Evidence from German Municipally-Owned Corporations

23 August 2019 2:30pm3:30pm
Presented by Maria Nieswand, Loughborough University

Capital and Uncertainty – How Large Capital Investment Decisions are made within a Firm

22 August 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Dr Ian Runge, The University of Queensland.

Breaking Echo Chambers with Personalised News

20 August 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Presented by Jiemai Wu, Sydney University.

Campaign messages, polling and elections: theory and experimental evidence

16 August 2019 2:30pm
Presented by Nicholas Feltovich, Monash University.
